Chapter 1 🖤

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He runs his fingers through my hair slowly and I can't help the soft sigh that slips past my lips. Finally, the one boy I have always wanted wants me back. I lean my head against his chest, pressing my cheek softly against his and I hear his heart beating softly in his chest.

"I love you Raven" He murmurs inside my hair and presses a kiss on top of my head. My heart soared out of my chest at those words, who could believe this. I never dreamed that Chase the boy I had been crushing on for years has finally noticed me.

I'm so happy I can cry happy tears. My life's finally complete now, amazing family, amazing friends and now I have my amazing boyfriend. The boy that's kept my heart away from his own for years, that was actually my bully but now his mine.

"I love you too Chase. I'm so happy we are finally together" I smile big hiding my face into his chest.

"Me too baby girl. Me too. I'll never let you go, Raven. Your mine. All mine"

Baaaahh bahaha bahhhhhhh

Jerking awake at the sound of my alarm going off on my phone, I sigh loudly its time for school and it's the ending of my dream.

I had been dreaming of Chase for years now, willing him to finally see me as someone he could be with but who was I kidding, I so wasn't his type. He liked blondes with big tits and I had neither sadly.

"Raven are you awake?" Shouts my mother from somewhere in the house, probably in the kitchen getting my breakfast ready before school.

"Yeah" I shout back, grabbing my phone I click the alarm off and check my phone for any messages I might have missed and I see the little friendship group chat I have going with my two best friends has a new unopened message I hurry and click it while climbing out the bed.

Sarah- I'll pick you both up in the morning.

Kim- Yessssss girl.

Me- Okay.

I'm still bummed about my dream getting interrupted, I set my phone down and walk into the bathroom and stretch my body out.

Looking at the mirror I see my hair a wild mess, grabbing my school uniform from the counter I quickly get dressed for school.

It's nothing fancy, just a white shirt and girls have to wear a navy skirt, once I have my clothes on I turn my straightening iron on and get to work on my make-up while that's getting hot.

I don't wear much makeup, just a little base and mascara to make my green eyes pop a bit, after that's done I check the iron and feel the hotness burning my finger.

Yup. It's hot enough. Picking the iron up off the counter I start straightening my hair making sure I get it all before setting it back down and unplugging it.

I grab my book sack from the side of the bed and head downstairs to talk with my momma, my dad's already left for the day.

He's a doctor at the local hospital and is never home when I wake up, but he's busy saving lives so I completely understand.

Walking into the kitchen I see my momma making some pancakes and my stomach starts to rumble loudly.

"I knew you would be hungry" my mom laughs from in front of the stove where she is flipping the pancakes in the pan.

"When am I never hungry mom?" I ask her sliding my book sack along the floor and setting it down on the side of a chair before going to the coffee pot and fixing me a small cup.

"I wish you wouldn't start that bad habit, Raven." My mother sighs loudly.

"It just helps wake me up, momma. No biggie" I laugh at her as she turns and rolls her eyes at me.

She soon has a plate of pancakes in front of me and I dig quickly into my food before my friend shows up.

"Any plans this weekend?" My mom asks me as she makes her a cup of coffee and seats down next to me.

"Umm- I'm not sure. Maybe a little party, I guess it depends on what they want to do. You know I'm down for whatever. I can hang with them or stay home and read, I enjoy both" I say around a mouthful of pancakes and syrup.

"I don't mind you doing a bit of parting your senior year of high school, just you know I want you to be careful" she explains with a worried look on her face.

My mom's always worried about something, my dad should stop sharing ER stories with her, it does nothing but freaks her out about drunk drivers and drug overdoses, as if I'd ever do that.

As soon as I shove the last bite of the yummy pancakes into my house I hear a honk in the front yard, my besties are here.

Quickly jumping up from my chair, I swing my backpack over my shoulder and kiss my mom on the cheek and dash out the door, waving to my friends to let them know I'm coming once I slide my shoes on.

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