Chapter 30🖤

846 30 5

Leaving Kim and Sarah behind and ignoring the looks I was getting from the rest of the students, I keep my head down and quickly walk into school just as I see Chase rounding the hallway.

"Chase wait" I call out hopeing that will stop him if he hears that I'm following him but he doesn't stop instead he quickens his pace.


I push my legs faster feeling them start to burn I remind myself I need to get more active this doesn't make any sense I quickly turn down the hallway he just disappeared to and notice he walks inside a class room.

"Chase please I just want to talk about about what happened?" I call out.

Nobody should be in that room it's the old science lab and it's not used as a class room anymore just storage.

Thankfully I guess because now it will give Chase and I some privacy to talk about what happened and I need to apologize to him.

I shouldn't have spoken about our relationship to Kim and Sarah I knew better, Chase told me he needed to be able to trust me and I broke that trust. First chance I got I told Kim and Sarah about a argument what kind of girlfriend am I?

I round the doorway and see him standing in the middle of the room his clenching and unclenching his fist as they lay at his sides.

Poor thing is so upset that I broke his trust I feel like shit.

I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around him pressing my chest to his back and laying the side of my face againt him.

"Chase baby I'm sorry I didn't mean to tell them it just slipped out-" I don't get the chance to finish he turns around so fast causing me to stumble to the side when my feet lose thier balance and I feel his fist connecting with my face.

Shocked I raise my hand to hold my cheek as it burns and I stare up at him trying to figure out what just happened.

"C-Chase-" I cried out as the pain begins to shoot up the side of my face, blinking back tears I take a step back staring up at him in horror.

How could he do that?

He just hit me.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that baby I was just so hurt from what you did I didn't think please I'm so sorry-" He whispers out looking like his scared before he reaches out making me flinch away but he doesn't stop he grabs my arms and pulls me tightly into his chest. "Please I'm so sorry baby. I never meant to do that I would never hurt you."

"Yo-you hit me. You punched me!" I yell into his chest making my cheek hurt worse as I raise my hands and try to push me away from me.

I can't believe he did that.

"Baby please I'm so sorry please don't leave me Raven. I was just pissed that you lied to me. You told me you wouldn't tell your friends anything. You promised me." He groans as he tightens his arms around me not letting me go.

Did I promise? I don't remember that. I told him I wouldn't tell them things but I never meant that I wouldn't talk to them about when stuff bothered me.

It was harmless.

Couples fight all the time and I didn't even realize I was telling them it was all just flowing out of my mouth before I could stop it.

"That's not the point. You hit me Chase! How could you? My cheeks killing me!" I whimper as he presses me harder into his chest causing my cheek to push up against him.

It freaking hurts.

I need to put some ice of it soon before it starts to swell.

"I know baby I'm sorry I won't do it again just don't leave me please. I promise I would never mean to hurt you sometimes my feelings get too much and I can't stop myself" He says laying his head on top of mine as his body shakes around me.

"I don't know Chase... that wasn't right it doesn't feel right.. your not supposed to hit me..." I stutter out not fulling comprehending what happened.

"Baby please if I tell you something you have to keep it between us okay? This is really important to me and only my parents know" He says as he kisses the top of my head. "It's the reason when I'm pissed I lash out I promise it's not to hurt you."

"What?" I asked him because I don't understand what would make him hit me like that. One minute his sweet and the next it's like his so pissed off at the world and I'm the one he takes it out on.

"I have bipolar.. I can't control it and sometimes I get off my meds and it messes with my head. I'm sorry. It won't happen again. I love you Raven. Nobody will ever love you the way that I do. Nobody will ever want you like I do" He whispers before pulling my face up with his hand and kisses me hard.


He loves me?

Chase freaking loves me?

We just started to date and he already loves me, fuck the happiness spreads through my body for the boy that I have loved for a long time just told me he loves me.


Freaking Raven.

But I don't know anything about bipolar only that it's a mental thing kinda like depression and as my parents are both doctors and I want to be a doctor myself one day I can't hold that against him.

"Okay Chase.. I believe you that you didn't mean it just you can't do that again okay? My cheek really hurts" I whimper out against his mouth as I feel him smiling against my lips.

"Baby I promise I won't I won't hurt you again I love you so much you mean more to me than anything eles in my life." He rushes out picking me up and twirling me around making me laugh softly.

"Come on baby let's get you some ice for your cheek from the school nurse but don't tell her what happened okay? I will just get in trouble and it's not my fault I have bipolar. Just tell her you tripped okay baby? I love you so much" He says as he lets me down slowly sliding my body down his before grabbing my hand and heading out the door stopping to pick up both of our back packs.

"Of course Chase I wouldn't want you to get in trouble baby" I say finally understanding.

It's not Chases fault ge has bipolar his right it's a medical condition that can't be fixed, he will have to live with it for the rest of his life how can I judge him for that?

Don't get me wrong my cheeks hurting and I wish he would not have hit me but I understand his condition and hopefully I can be able to help him with it.

I want to be a good girlfriend for him.

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