Chapter 2🖤

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I quickly run down the driveway and slide into my friend's car, tossing my book sack on the other seat I lean against the middle console and smile at my two best friends.

Sarah, Kim, and I have been friends practically our whole lives, well since pre-K. We never get in fights we just click, we bond over horror movies and candy.

We all adore candy. Eating it all the time and always keeping a lookout for a new horror movie we can watch on the weekends.

"Yall I'm so glad it's Friday," Sarah says from the driver's seat, driving with one hand and eating some milk duds in the other.

"Same. Senior year is kicking my butt already and it just started" whines, Kim, while digging into her purse pulling out her phone and quickly making us smile and take a picture.

Kim loves photography, she must have over 1000 pictures of just us three somewhere in all her photo albums.

"Oh, girls! Guess what I heard" Sarah says as she turns on her left turning signal heading to school.

"What?" Asks Kim, while posting the picture of us on her Facebook page.

She is always posting pictures of us, without even telling us to smile sometimes, it can get annoying but I love her regardless.

"Chase is having a party for his birthday this weekend," she says and looks at me in the review mirror, and raises an eyebrow at me.

"What?" I ask her innocently. I'm just curious is all.

"Oh, you know you are excited to go," Kim says and rolls her as at me and giggles softly tossing me a twizzle.

"Fine yall caught me. I can't help it, I have a crush on the school's local freaking playboy" I sigh leaning my head against Sarah's seat.

"This is your year to win him, Raven, I can feel it," Kim says and nods her head up and down as if to make the point true.

"Doubtful" I murmur

"No, you will. You never know what will happen. It could happen you know?" Sarah says.

"True but I'm not holding my breath too long" I giggle, I'd likely suffocate waiting on that to happen.

I wish it was true, I wish I was enough to get a guy like Chase but I know I'm not. My friends and I are not exactly popular but neither are we low in the poles either.

We are just somewhere in the middle and we like it like that, less drama in school and we get some peace from the high school lifestyle.

"You know his ex Hannah moved away last month, I heard they broke up and she had a nervous breakdown" explains Sarah. She is always up on the school's gossip I give her that.

"Yeah, I heard that. Poor thing, but it's not Chase's fault he didn't feel anything for her anymore, and between us she has been leaning towards that breakdown for a while. She stopped hanging with her friends, she started to fail in all her classes and she wouldn't even take care of her body anymore. I would break up with her too" Kim says and shakes her head.

"Doesn't mean I'll be able to get him though" I remind them.

"And it doesn't mean you won't. Your single and his single and I know you know how he looks at you sometimes." giggles Sarah as she shoves more milk duds into her mouth.

"Yeah like he would crawl into her skin if he was able too" laughs Kim and brings her hand to my hair and playfully ruffles my hair around my head.

"He does not and that sounded creepy as hell Kim," I tell her and playfully twat at her hand.

"I'm just saying. It's our senior year girl, anything can happen" she smiles at me and blows me a kiss while Sarah turns the car into the school parking lot.

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