She than raised her tentacle in the air, as she spoke out.


She than tries to slam her tentacles down on Abyss Sans, who is still too weak from moving, due to the damage that Rock had caused with that injury, but than, Sonic came in fast, as he grabbed Abyss by the fluffy coat hood, and carried him away, before stopping, and Abyss stands up a little bit.

"Thanks, Sonic. I owe ya."

Sonic smiled and did a thumbs up, as Abyss smiled and did his own thumbs up, before Abyss than fired his Abyss Chains at Ten No Kami, as Sonic shouted out.

"Sonic Wind!!"

The blue energy attack and the Abyss Chains sliced through one of the tentacles of Ten No Kami, causing her great agony, as she screeched at the top of her lungs.


The screech was so loud that it caused everyone to cover their hearing at how loud it is, due to the fact that they literally felt like that their hearing are about to burst blood out of their holes at any moment, and Abyss looks and sees something that had made him in pure shock and disbelief at what he is seeing before his very eyes. The tentacle, that had been severed from the attack that he and Sonic had done, it began to regenerate, first, it was a small point, and than, it began to grow, it grew longer and longer and longer, until she was able to regenerate her sliced tentacle.

Sonic was shocked at how she regenerated, as he than spoke out with a tone of disgust in his voice.

"Okay, okay, that right that, there is just absolutely disgusting what Ten No Kami had done."

Than, Abyss turns around and looks at Sonic, as he than spoke out to the Super Speedy Hero.

"Well, she does have traits of a cephalopod, so it is fitting that she if able to regenerate her wounds from whatever it is that has just attacked her."

Sonic than spoke out back to Abyss again.

"Still, that was very gross what she had just done there."

Abyss than shrugged his shoulders, as he than spoke out.

"Well, that's called being a part of nature's life, especially with what it does to creature and how they can survive."

Sonic and Abyss looked backup and sees that another tentacle is about to try and smash down on top of them, and Sonic immediately grabs Abyss by the fluffy hood again, as the both of them immediately sped out of the area as fast as possible, with the tentacle slamming down on top of the large crystal area. The tentacle slammed down onto the crystal floor, which caused a very massive dent onto the floor itself.

In the air, Righteous!Error, Delta Sans, Ganz, Cross Sans, and Epic Sans are riding onto their blasters, as they then snapped their fingers and summoned more blasters at their disposal, which are than aimed at Ten No Kami. And then, the 5 Sanses fired their Error Blasters, Delta Blasters, Gaster Blasters, Cross Blasters, and Epic Blasters at Ten No Kami with all of their might, as the energy blasts hit Ten No Kami right in the face, causing her to roar in pain once more, except much louder than before. The skin that is on her face got burned very badly, causing her skin to become charred and cooked from the magical blasts of the blasters themselves. But this did not stop Ten No Kami, due to being stronger than them, as he face healed from the wounds that she had gained, as she than tries to swing her tentacles on top of all 5 of the Sanses that are attacking her aggressively. But all 5 of the Sanses jumped as fast as they could, while Cross Sans used his Overwrite power to summon more and more purple knives at Ten No Kami, which than pierced and sliced some of the tentacles that she has, which caused more agony to Ten No Kami, as she than healed from the wounds that Cross has additionally caused her, due to the sudden surprise attack that she had done. But the most that Cross Sans was able to accomplish, was that he was able to successfully piss her off. And this is doing nothing more than to make the situation worse for everyone that is trying to do all that they can to try and fight against Ten No Kami.

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