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The class was ecstatic, with a few exceptions of course, those who just celebrated in their minds or silently. When those who didn't pass the final and practical exam heard that they would still be going to the training camp, they leaped up from their seats and cheered.

"Thank Goodness!"

"God really hears my prayers!"

They cried with tears of joy and held each other tightly. Everyone was happy, everyone was smiling, everyone was excited, except for a certain someone who grumbled at the side, "So noisy.."

"Maybe they did some adjustments just because of a certain someone's daughter who didn't pass the final exam.."

When he just finished speaking, the whole cheering beside him slowly subsided and the atmosphere turned weird. Feeling the heated stares thrown at him, Bakugo's eye twitched and he turned to his side yelling, "What?! Don't you think so too?"

"How come those losers who failed have to go still when Mr. Aizawa said they shouldn't come along, huh?!"

"Am I the only one have a decent brain here?!"

Others began to sweat drop and their moods began to change, some began to think about the issue further and finally concluded the matter confusing too. Iida, being the Class Representative, something inside him kicked in and stood up from his seat, swinging his hands in front of him, "Bakugo! You are simply insulting UA's decisions!"

He said in a serious tone while pushing his glasses back up to his nose, "And furthermore, basing from Y/N's personality, she wouldn't tell Mr. Aizawa to bring her too just because of her privilege as Mr. Aizawa's daughter!"


"Y/N is not like that!" Kaminari, Mina and Midoriya exclaimed.

Bakugo just retorted angrily while having a tick mark on his temples, "I didn't say she's like that, ya little shits!"

"But it's still obvious that you're pointing out Y/N could possibly use a privilege like that, Bakugo. Ribbit." Tsuyu thought out loud for others to hear.

She stated it with a serious face and firm tone while her pointer finger on her chin, looking straight at Bakugo that it just made him explode again, yelling insults at her.

And Aizawa who was standing in front of them the whole time, just sighed in disappointment.

Why would they make a conclusion like that?

Do they really think Y/N would use privileges?

Does she even looks like someone who uses like that?

Shaking his head from left to right, he really hadn't thought about things could go this way. Actually, you were not involved at all, it was only his idea for them to be a little disappointed at first but he could not believe they would think of you so lowly like that.

It was just a little trick.. how can they just think of you like that?

Aizawa raised his droopy eyes to see his students fighting with Bakugo, all yelling some good comments for you here and there until the door beside him suddenly opened.

Turning his head, he sees a blonde head with a straight up hairdo popped up and shouted with much ecstasy, "Did someone say Y/N uses privileges?!"

When Present Mic came into view, Aizawa voluntarily rolled his eyes and thought,

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