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Time passed by in a blink of an eye, it was already the time where the first semester practical exam would commence. Your class were currently standing at a training field facing a bunch of school staffs that was standing beside your homeroom teacher.

"You're opponent will be the ones that's standing right in front of you."

This news clearly shocked them, they never thought that they will be battling Pro Heroes! They're starting to think that they will be failing this exam, but they slightly relaxed when the Principal came out of Aizawa's scarf, saying that the Pros will have a special device on them that will minimize their quirks during the battle.

They literally sighed a big relief, but before they could completely breathe it all out, they were once again shocked about the one that will be facing Midoriya and Bakugo.

It was the number one hero, the Symbol of Peace, All Might, the one and only.

"Sir, I believe that you had missed Y/N! She has no partner nor an opponent!"

A while later, when the pairs and the Pro Heroes were already assigned to each other, Iida raised his hand up high and asked an obvious question. The others turned to you along side with the teachers who smirked at the side.

The Principal on Aizawa's shoulder, still wore his professional smile and answered leisurely, "We deliberately mentioned Y/N for the last as she will be fighting alone for this exam."

The others loudly gasped while Principal Nezu continued, "And Y/N's opponent will technically be a surprise. You will only have to see later who it is."

The principal said with smiles in his eyes as he sipped his tea and glanced at you who was at the side who was also sipping your coffee, closing your eyes as if you didn't notice his heated gaze at all.


After so many battles between your classmates and the staff teachers, some of them passed at the end and some failed. However, it was not like they didn't learn anything, in any case, they each learned a valuable lesson.

That in every battle, you can't always underestimate your enemy.

"At last, it's Y/N's turn.."

"Yeah.. who you do think she's fighting with?"

"Ha? How would I know?"

"The Principal is always so mysterious when it comes to Y/N."

All of your classmates were curious and were eager to see who your opponent truly was so they gathered together(except Bakugo who was passed out at the nurse's office) at the monitor room with recovery girl.

Many of them were whispering when they halted when they heard the door opened.

Turning their heads into that direction, they watched how a blonde skinny man was along side with their homeroom teacher, Present Mic and Midnight. When they got closer, something white popped out of Aizawa's scarf.

It was Principal Nezu again, who was sitting on his shoulder holding his tea cup.

"Seems like you're all looking forward for this match."

He giggled, closing his eyes with tilting his head to the side. Tsuyu, who was curious enough asked, "You're here too, Principal. You want to see how will Y/N's match gonna end?"

The Principal just nodded as their group stood behind Recovery girl's chair who was fiddling with something under the screen where many buttons were stationed. She lifted her hand and Aizawa reached out to grab some spare earpieces from her and handed it out to the others.

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