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In the afternoon, after the bells rang, everyone was eager to hang out in groups and want to know each other to strengthen their relationships.

The school was filled with giggles and mini whisper conversation from girls, shouting and yelling for the boys.

Everyone completely forgot what happened during lunch and were now enjoying. Your class was already happily packing, having some small talks with each other and going out through the door.

"Y/N, I'll leave first.." You heard Todo suddenly spoke and made eye contact with him, "Sure, watch yourself." you casually advised as he just nodded and walked off.

Closing the book that you are reading, you also started cleaning your table as you were the only one left.

When Midoriya asked earlier if you want to join walking towards the station with his new friends, you were touched but you let him go so that he can expand his circle of comfort.

So he reluctantly walked towards them and glanced at you one more time before talking to his new companions.

You sighed, walking towards the door slowly and locked the door as you headed towards the teachers conference room.

With that stunt that someone pulled earlier, they were alarmed and called a meeting.

You were invited, of course. As soon as you opened the door, the one who just finished a sentence, the Principal, stopped talking and glanced at the door, "Ah.. Y/N, we're just about to start. Seat wherever you like."

You watch him drink his tea while looking at you after saying that, examining the people inside the room, you headed toward an empty seat.

Seat wherever I like he said

The only seat left was exactly the opposite of him!

He's doing it on purpose!!

The table in the conference room was a long rectangular one that was made out of wood, many cupboards at the side where it stores a bunch of reports of students and about the school.

There was also tables with paper stacked on them.

The seat of the Principal was exactly in line of the door, while the empty seat that you were heading now has a whiteboard stuck at the wall behind the chair if you were facing the Principal.

After you were seated, the Principal continued speaking, "What happened earlier was clearly planned out, the way they used the media to make a diversion to sneak into my office. The CCTV that was in there recorded everything, the person who broke in was in a hoodie so we can't see their face clearly."

"We also checked the CCTV that was near the gate and side garden, there was in fact someone who managed to turn the door gates into ashes. The way that he entered towards my office was still a mystery."

"The shadow was just rummaging my drawers to look for a certain file, and when they found it, they read it for a while and carefully put it back. Also looking around for a second to ensure nobody was around before pulling out a phone and called someone, then a mist suddenly appeared and the person immediately walked in, disappearing with it."

When he finished explaining the situation briefly, the others expressed their reaction to this with their faces who's now became thoughtful about the sudden incident.

"The gates was made from an extremely hard metal, we were so sure that it can't be easily broken or damaged but earlier, they just turned into ashes." Midnight pointed out.

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