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Introducing Q

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Introducing Q

Name: Reina 'Queen' Miller

Nationality: Half Japanese, Half American

Gender: Female

Age: 19 (three years older than you)

Birthday: November 9

Height: 5'8

Blood Type: B+

Family: Both parents, twin sister

Quirk Name: Art of Music

-Playing an instrument she knows, she can manipulate the melody which can make the according keys of note to fly out and attack enemies, and also defend

Position: Back up Specialist, Head of the Music Department

-seventh member of the group

-seventh member of the group

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Introducing I

Name: Igor Molachalin

Nationality: Black American, Russian

Gender: Male

Age: 26 (ten years older than you)

Birthday: August 20

Height: 6'4

Blood Type: B+

Family: Mother, little brother and sister

Quirk: None

Position: Front liner, Head of the Martial Arts Department

-eight member of the group

-eight member of the group

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Introducing G

Name: George Mateo Wilson

Nationality: American

Gender: Male

Age: 23 (seven years older than you)

Birthday: August 5

Height: 5'9

Blood Type: A+

Family: Both parents, little twin sisters

Quirk Name: Blend in

-He can camouflage like a chameleon, it's like using the illusion to disappear from the chosen target's eyes or senses

Position: Front liner, Stealth Specialist

-ninth member of the group

-ninth member of the group

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Introducing O

Name: Olivia Collins

Nationality: Black American, Half Italian

Gender: Female

Age: 26 (ten years older than you)

Birthday: January 6

Height: 5'11

Blood Type: O-

Family: Both parents, little brother

Quirk: None

Position: Sniper, Backup Specialist

-tenth member of the group

-tenth member of the group

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Introducing U

Name: Salvador Udo Queiros

Nationality: Portuguese

Gender: Male

Age: 26 (ten years older than you)

Birthday: February 10

Height: 6'2

Blood Type: AB+

Family: Grandfather, Aunt, Nephew

Quirk Name: Samurai

-He can summon a glowing katana and increase his speed by 10× when activated, it glows with his eyes but he will be super drained out when used longer than two hours

Position: Front liner, Logistics Team Member

-eleventh member of the group


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