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Your next destination was Ubugawa's team, where the team who specializes their jump serves. Now, it doesn't mean that just because they were practicing their serves, they aren't practicing something else for this training camp.

When you were observing earlier, you noticed that they were actually practicing their new second year setter.

When you opened their files again, you guessed right that it was a new member of the team and they were actually building up his self-esteem. You smiled, feeling happy for the guy, who was now cheekily laughing while scratching the back of his head because he got a net ball. You lifted a brow as you realized it was the startled boy you bumped into earlier just right after lunch.



"Are you sure it's alright for us to just let them go like that? I mean, it's not like I'm doubting your decisions, Boss, but it would be bad if they would run around say the things we had done to them, you know?"

Hearing the wary voice from the other side of the phone, you smirked but you eventually sighed. This man you're talking is obviously the scaredy cat of them all from your group, U.

"Nah, it's okay. Just let them be, I still have plans for them either way. Just get them to breathe fresh air a little bit you know—"

You were on your phone for nearly an hour now and was about to hang up when you turn around the corner of the building and felt someone who was about to bump into you but you suddenly stopped the urge to dodge.


Mumbling a farewell to U, you looked at the boy who was lightly rubbing his right arm and hissed as if something stung him. This gesture made you lift a brow before smiling professionally after tucking your phone away, "Did the bump hurt? Do you want me to guide you to the medic or something?"

"I do apologize for my lack of attention to my surroundings though."

From the start of you speaking, the boy already didn't want anything to do with anyone else but when he heard the familiar voice, he looked up immediately and inaudibly gasped when you two locked gazes.

It was just for a moment when he showed fear in his eyes but it quickly turned into despair and dullness which caught you off guard and noticed him fixing his clothes in a hurried manner as if he was afraid of you seeing some of his skins, "N-No! I-I was the o-one who's c-careless!"

"I-I'm s-sorry!" He bowed a perfect ninety degrees angle and hastily ran off to where he came from.

You still stood in place for a few seconds before deciding to throw this memory at the back of your head when you felt you stepped on something when you placed your foot down on the ground. Lowering your gaze, you saw a golden thin chained necklace.

Crouching a little bit, you brought the necklace close to your face and fully examined it. Apparently, it has a beautiful crescent moon pendant. Tracing the outlines, you hummed and thought,

Maybe I'll return this back to him later..



After leaving another method to Ubugawa's team, your next destination was Shinzen's. Now, they're the moderate one that in your opinion, is in between hard and easy. They specializes in synchronize attacks that they have been perfecting until now.

"Okay," you started before looking up from the clipboard that you're holding, filled with their documents, "In your opinion, what makes a team.. a team?"

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