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When they heard that there's a possibility that you could just teleport them at the training site right away, they all turned to you with eager eyes. While you're actually mentally preparing about what their reactions could be when you will be splashing cold water to their enthusiasm.

"Of course, teleporting you lot there is just a piece of cake.." You smiled at them as their faces lifted and brightened up. "However.."

They paused when you continued, "But what? Ribbit?" You glanced at Tsuyu who asked with a curious gaze and closed your eyes for a second before opening them again.

"However.." you started as your smile got wider the longer you spoke, "I'm already been told how I could not use my teleportation quirk in this task."

And with that, their sparkling smiles turned upside down, apart from a few others of course but that didn't mean that they weren't upset how you were forbidden to use your other quirk.

"Ughh.. no way.."

"That's just so not cool, man."

"There's still a long way to go if we just fight with these things to get there!"

You chuckled at their depressed forms and spoke with a louder voice, "How about you start walking now then? I remembered that the first three people to get there would have a plus dessert!"

All of a sudden, the rain clouds that was on top of their heads disappeared and they suddenly feel excitement in their nerves with you mentioning a dessert is waiting for them at the finish line.


"A plus dessert?!"

"Then, what are we waiting for?! Let's go!"

"Yeaaaaahhh! I'm sure I'm gonna get a spot!"


You could tell they're being hyped up so you decided to slip out now. However, a certain someone that was observing you from the beginning, yelled, "Oi! You're not going anywhere, dumbass!"

"Get your ass back here now!"

Bakugo roared as he propelled himself to fly with his quirk, catching up to you who was now using your lightning speed to jump from trees to one another.

When you heard his voice, you just side glanced at him and challenged him with a smirk, "Why don't you catch up then?"

He screamed again like a child that he is, he was about to overtake you when something emerged from the ground and attempted to pounce on him.

It was another boulder monster. He couldn't fight it at the same time catching into you so he decided to take it down first.

At the back, the others just began to race each other while fighting some mud, vine stoned, boulder monsters as they just snapped from their daze. They were also eager to have a plus dessert.

Along the way, they helped each other and laughed, still in sync with each other as they functioned themselves like a team.

They sure like enjoying themselves, you thought, drinking your coffee as you sat at the rooftop of the small building at the training camp, dangling your legs at the edge.

You just got there a second ago and opened your laptop to see them also struggling to fight their opponents. You wanted to see if they can make it till noon.

However, you actually overestimated their strengths.

They arrived at the camp only in the afternoon when the sun is about to set. All the sceneries were now covered in orange light as it gave a peaceful feeling, except it was immediately shattered into pieces when several sluggish figures emerged from the bushes.

Don't Call Me A HeroNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ