"Oh, I completely forgot to tell you - Kakashi san said that the three of us should go out to dinner tonight," she answered, putting down her sketch book and pencil. "So, we don't have to prepare any dinner. He said that he'll be in front of our apartment by eight."

"I see, then we should get ready. It's nearly 7:30," I replied, glancing at the time.

"Goodness, I can't even keep track of the time when I'm sketching or concentrating on something! My life would be so chaotic if it wasn't for Ando," she said with a laugh and a shake of her head.

"Who is Ando?" I asked curiously.

"A good friend of mine and my secretary. He usually keeps track of my schedule, so I'm on time for everything. His job is just as hectic as mine because we have to be together all the time. He could take over my job if he had the authority to take major decisions regarding my company," she answered with a fond smile. It seemed that she was very close to Ando san, and depended on him almost like family.

"It sounds to me like you think of him as family. Is he perhaps like a brother or a boyfriend?" I couldn't help but ask.

"A brother, definitely. I couldn't think of him as a boyfriend even if I wanted to."

"Why not?" I regretted pressing her for an answer, even scolding myself for obvious reasons, when she smile turned sad and her eyes became distant. It was a moment of uncomfortable silence before she answered.

"Because there's someone else, or perhaps it's apt to say that there was."

"I'm sorry I asked, Sara san. I didn't mean to-"

"You don't have to apologize, Yamato san," she interrupted, smiling kindly to me now. "What happened is no one's fault. I was just unlucky to lose the person I love because I'm from a different realm."

"Still, it seems that I brought back memories that upset you."

"I'm not upset, not any more than I am on a daily basis anyway. So, don't worry about it. Why don't we get ready now? Even though Kakashi san is usually late, I don't want to keep him waiting if he's on time unexpectedly."

Her words made me smile, relieved that I hadn't caused too much trouble by speaking of a topic that made her feel bad. Nodding, we dispersed so we could put on better clothes before we met with Kakashi senpai. He was no more than ten minutes late today, which was quite an accomplishment, and earned a bit of teasing from Sara san before we headed over to the nearest barbeque restaurant.

Dinner was pleasant, shared with casual conversations on lighthearted topics. Sara san enjoyed herself, seeming more relaxed than usual. It was the change of place and ambience perhaps, that had seemed to lift her spirits in the slightest.

It was my dream to serve Konoha and be appreciated for my efforts one day, not silently but out loud. Of course, that was not the only driving force that kept me doing my best to protect the people and the village and now Sara san, but I would be happy if, one day, my efforts were recognized in public.

Whatever the case, my goal now was to be a good guardian and friend to Sara san.

Sara pov:

Another uneventful day had passed with nothing to do to keep my mind from wandering to nostalgic memories. They were no longer as painful as before and only numbing, but kept me from being entirely enthusiastic nonetheless. The memories that came to me were not specific but a hazy feeling of missing many things, but the same could not be said about the fleeting moments I thought of Madara.

Despite getting a job at the Yamanaka flower shop and working with Inoichi san's daughter Ino, it was not enough of a distraction as much as it was a way for me to pass the time during the day. Of course, I spent time with several others of the village - Yamato san, Kakashi san, Naruto, Sakura, Kurenai san and Gai san - and their company was always warm and welcoming. They were all good friends I enjoyed spending time with and occasionally watched train.

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