29. He knows.

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Vikram took a protective stance and took a step ahead of me. Standing right in the old man's face.

He looked... Rich. In a midnight blue tux and a very intriguing pocket square, it was in a shape of a rose. Man's got taste. A glass of champagne in his hand and his other still on his chest.

He smiled at Vikram and how could one look so malicious and smile at the same time. I guess it gets to you all the evil and dirt. It starts to show on your face, in your eyes.

And the worst part of it all he looked exactly like Vikram. His posture, his height, those eyes... when they cascaded upon me I felt a shiver go through my spine. The grandfather.

It wasn't like the feeling when someone checks you out and you don't enjoy it. It was like he was measuring me more like degrading me like how they used to when they bought slaves.

I am no pussy but at that moment I felt myself shifting to hide completely behind Vikram. But he beat me to it.

"You're parties, " He paused and smiled just like him. "Just like you, sir don't offer much." He grabbed my wrist.

They looked so alike at that moment I took a step back to stand next to Pa. Who was already next to me.

"Let's not create a scene now, Roy. Follow me." Pa gestured for me to go and started following the guy. "Oh no, the young lady is going to join us."

"Allow me." He offered me his arm and I rested mine in the crook of his despite the looks from Pa, Vikram..., and Dhruv.

Damn! A new addition to the protectors club. Yay!

I squared my shoulders and followed him despite the sinking feeling in my stomach. Don't worry Pa is right behind you. Besides we are in a room full of people. And you look beautiful.

And he won't kill you because of that.

Shut up, bitch. Dude! These voices gotta stop.

"You're the one who's got my boy wrapped around her little finger. I can see why." He smiled at the people in the way.

"I'll just pretend you didn't say that." I looked at him trying to read his face. Maybe I'll find something that'd make him a little less intimidating.

"She's got a mouth." He sounded amused.

"You thought a pretty face was enough to wrap him around my little finger." I blinked my eyes innocently at him.

"Touche." He chuckled. "But I hoped he'd have trained you by now."

The fucking nerve. But I didn't want to show him that he made me furious after all he was so composed. Two could play the game.

"Trust me he did." I squeezed his arm assuringly. "I'll have you by the balls and you wouldn't see it coming." And ladies and gentlemen I winked at him, perfect.

He looked at me like stopped and looked at me. "I like you."

"You won't after we're done with you." I twisted the knob and pushed the door of the room he stopped in front of. "After you."

He entered the room and so did we. Dhruv closed the door behind us.

"Please gentleman has a seat, and the ladies could perhaps enjoy the tea." He pointed at the sofa in a corner. "Or do you still prefer your husband's lap Mrs. Roy?"

Vikram jumped from his seat and slammed his hand on the table while Pa seethed as Maa held his arm stopping him from losing his cool. He seemed to have a hard time so did I. This goddamn man knew how to get to a person he was doing a good job right now.

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