28. The Gala

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Have you ever woken up in the morning with a song or a voice going in a loop in your head? I have a lot of times but today the voices were restless. And there were a lot of them. I couldn't make the head or tail of them but they were not favorable.

I rested my head against the shower wall, my hands combing my hair back. I focused on the warm water cascading down my body instantly relaxing my stiff muscles. Though it did a little help relax my mind it did stop the voices in my head. Now there was just silence more like a weird sort of silence that indicates something is about to go down.

There was a fresh set of clothes on my bed with my phone and a note.

'Breakfast with your father at 10. Meet you at the parking lot at 9:45.


I skipped down my way to his car and he opened the door for me. He didn't have the decency to talk to me and tell me the whole story. But if the guy thinks I will just let it go he had another thing coming.  

"Why did you agree to it?" I came straight to the point. I needed to know why he did that to me and his brother. What sort of a person would agree to kill their very own?

"Agreed to what?" He snapped. Someone is in a good mood today.

"To attack me and Vikram, to kill us both." I mocked him I wanted to push his buttons cause he wasn't going to tell me anything in his right mind. 

"My intention was never to hurt you or Vikram. It was just to force a yes out of him to take over the family business." He was getting defensive guess that is a good start. But I still wasn't sure if he would tell me the whole thing.

'Like anybody ever does.' My inner voice interrupted my chain of thoughts. 

True that.

"So you decided it will be okay to scare the shit out of your brother by using me. That is some loyalty you have for him." I had hit the right nerve, by the look on his face. I just hope it doesn't backfire on me. 

"You don't know the half of it." Okay, now his voice was rising octaves. 

"I think I do you wanted acceptance, didn't you? Your grandfather wanted Vikram to come back to take over when it was you all along toiling over that company." I said faking a mock concerned look to irk him more. 

"He is not my grandfather." It was probably the first time I saw him lose his cool no I have seen that before but this time it was different. "I saw what you did here, you are your father's daughter." He sighed and shook his head.

Was I really that obvious?

I just shrugged and looked out of my side of the window. I didn't expect him to call my lie this fast. 

"He never saw me as a part of the family I was always just a substitute until Vikram came in and took over his rightful place. No matter whatever I did I was never good enough." He sighed. 

"But it is no excuse for what I did to the both of you and I am really sorry for that. I will do everything in my power to get you out of this mess. I promise. You don't have to trust me, which I know you probably don't and I know I deserve it." He pulled over and left the car without waiting for me. 

This family is so twisted and I am probably a fool to sympathize with them. But it was fair for Dhruv or Vikram. This man is playing them both and using me for his dirty games. I never knew there would be a time when I would hate a guy more than anything in the world on top of that a guy I have never met in my life. 

At Pa's office.

I finally started feeling more at ease. The familiar surroundings and faces seemed to light up seeing me after a long time. I took a deep breath maybe that was why I was uneasy the whole time.

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