18. Take Care

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        Dedicated to khushiii_arora28

Never, ever insist on someone, cause at the end of the day, you'll be the one getting hurt.

Mish's pov

When I came back into my office, after... well when Vikram threw me out of his. There was a project file waiting for me, with a note, which said it shall be read and understood, for I was to attend the meeting with him.

It contained all the superficial data, all the confidential details absent, just the primary information.

Why'd he trust you with details of a humungous project like that?  You're the rival's daughter practically.

I scoffed, yeah, right.

The file looked shabby to me. Many of the resources and funds were huge numbers, indeed. But their allocation was what made me frown. The sources were anonymous. What is he getting into, cause this deal screams trouble?

I read the file, getting ready for the so-called meeting.

I knocked at his door. He came out and started walking down the hallway, ignoring my presence. It hurts, every time, is it just that easy to not care about a person you once claimed to love, even if he's faking it. Which I had started to doubt.

I followed him to, I presumed the meeting room, he turned. "Prepare the room." And walked away.

I sighed and placed the bottled water and the copies of the documents in front of the chairs.

I was done with them when the door opened and a man entered.

I was paralyzed, my eyes widened, I knew I'll have to meet him one day, but hell. This was too soon I'm not prepared.

I've never met him, but the resemblance was uncanny. He looked like an older version of Vikram. Just that his eyes were less cold, they were... fatherly.

Mr. Yashraj Malhotra, Vikram's father, is the cause of all of this. The reason for everything gone wrong in my life, in Vikram's life. I rushed past him, not wanting to be in the same space.

"I assume you've recognized me." He called behind me. I frowned.

He nodded, smiling at me, it was so natural. "Don't believe without cross-checking, even if it is the person you trust your life with."

What is he trying to insinuate? I was having a hard time with this man. He was too good at his game, or maybe just misunderstood.

Before I could get deeper into the conversation, people started arriving. At last, Vikram entered with Mr. Singhania, I read his name in the file and a woman, with Vikram's hand on her back. They looked perfect with each other, cold and dominating.

A very polished and upright woman, she came off as. She nodded at everyone and Vikram pulled out the chair for her. Not just that, he made sure she was comfortable and smiled. Vikram smiled at her!

He took his seat and I seated beside him, with that girl on his other side. He was testing the waters.

"Let's get down to business, shall we." Everybody nodded and the manager in charge started his presentation.

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