14. Falling Apart?

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Dedicated to crazy_shrey thanks for being there always.♥

I felt warm rays of morning sun stroke my face, gently, waking me up from my deep slumber. Disrupting my peace, I snuggled my face into the pillow. Which was surprisingly warm and musical, lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub...

I tried to move, but I was trapped. Am I dead, already? Is this Satan trying to punish me in a sweet... sweet way?

I opened my eyes.

Oh! So it's indeed the devil. Alluring me into the depths of sin. I giggled to myself.

I traced his features, he looked, dare I say,  adorable. With his face squished against the pillow, hair ruffled into a sexy mess, lips slightly parted, pulling me to them.

This man will always be my person.

I ran the tip of my thumb, along his jaw, while my fingers, wrapped around his nape. I moved down to his Adams apple, which bobbled under my touch.

His brows furrowed, his hands which were wrapped around my waist now traveled down towards my hips. His eyes still closed, he exhaled deeply, pulling me closer when he realized what... who he was holding.

It was bliss, being in the arms of a person who'll hold me not only at my best, but will pick me up, every time I stumble, and hug me tight.

"Wakey wakey, honey," I whispered in his ear. He turned us so that he lay on top of me he loves to be on top, I guess.

Wow not double meaninged at all. Get your mind out of gutter Mish!

He cuddled his face in the curve of my neck.

"Your noisy." I felt my insides twist at the huskiness of his voice.

"Your grumpy." The warmth his body excluded made me squish myself closer to him.

"Ahh!" I gasped when he bit the sensitive skin on my neck. He licked the area slowly...gently, soothing it with his kisses.

He balanced his weight on his forearms, gazing intensely, memorizing every small detail and flaw on my face, my face heated.

"How do you feel?" He pushed a stray lock behind my ear, running his fingers on the blush on my cheeks.


"Horny?" He didn't expect that. Not from the red tips of his ears.

"Umhmm." I nodded. "You know feeling aroused, wanting to have s–"

"I know the definition." He cut me sharply.

I had a hard time, controlling myself from laughing.

"You do?" I asked innocently, as my hands moved south on his torso, feeling his muscles tensing under my touch.

Before I could go further, he locked them above my head.

"These are too dangerous to be left unleashed." His one hand held my both, other rested on my cheek. "I have some work to tend to."

I felt my heart drop. The atmosphere shifted all of a sudden. The thought of him dealing with the mafia, his family, was giving me palpitations.

"Vikram." I removed his hands from my face. "Don't go."

"I'll be back, as soon as, I'm done." He said slowly as if talking to a toddler.

"No! You can't keep leaving me." He raised into a sitting position, I moved up too. I felt dizzy, because of the sudden movement. "I need you, here, with me."

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