21. Husband Material

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"But maa!" I raised my hands in frustration, almost shouting at my mother. "That is not fair, all I am asking you is to let me be. You want me to see the doctor, okay I will. You want me to take a rest from all the office work, fine! But if I ask you let me manage the orphanage on my own you have to."

"No! I have had enough of your doing what you want, you want to work at the orphanage alright. But I am not letting you overexert yourself, running to and fro you can work from home. If you want to spend time with the children we can visit there once a week or something." She started working back on the food she was making for dinner. Ever since we got the news she had been personally planning my diet.

It was getting frustrating, she was trying to control my life. although I knew her heart was in a good place, always being used to dealing with things my way, my home now felt like a prison. I sighed falling back on the couch, sweeping my hands on my face.

"Mish! Are you okay?" She put the back of her palm on my head, panicking.

"Maa, Maa I am okay!" I held her wrists and try to deal with her calmly. Here I thought I was the one to be treated with care.

"Oh thank god!" I stood up and run in pa's direction when I saw him coming in. Tightly wrapping my arms around his torso. "Your wife is killing me," I whisper shouted in his ear, he flicks me lightly and then goes to maa to give her a much-needed hug.

"Your daughter is getting a handful." Mom said to pa, making me gasp.

"I heard that!"

"I did too." She shouted back at me and pa just chuckled at the both of us.

At the dining table.

"Mish here finish the salad." Mom passed me the green gag-worthy bowl of kale salad. I looked at it feeling the food in my stomach take a back route up. I pushed the plate back, shaking my head in disgust. "I wasn't asking." She said sternly.

"No, I'm full." I stood up, pushing the chair back in the process disturbing the peaceful environment of the dining table. I turned to walk to my room, suddenly irritated all the more with this overprotective behavior of maa.

"Get back here, Mish."

I turn back angrily, not bothering to sit on the chair. I pick up the bowl and started to eat the salad in quick, big bites, almost choking on it.

"Mish." Pa sighed taking the bowl from my hands, I chewed the rest of the salad in my mouth and angrily wipe the tears that unwillingly flowed out of my eyes. He held my hand and made me sit down. "You know she loves you more than anyone else."

"That does not give her the right to control my life, or rather whatever is left of it." I regretted it as soon as it left my mouth. With the look of pain and pure agony in my mother's eyes, I felt sick and angry at myself.

Pa just looked at me disappointed. I rested my face in my hands crying silently. "I'm sorry I just... I didn't mean it, Mumma. But all of this going on I don't know how to deal with it."

Pa stood up walked around the table, stopped behind my chair, he wrapped his one arm around me keeping his chin on my head, his other arm around maa, who joined us, making me feel whole.

Pa sighed and spoke after a little while, "Mish is going to start working on the Asha project tomorrow. There is a lot to be done and the place needs a new manager since the one in charge is retiring."

I looked back at pa, super excited.

"Am I clear?" He said it in his 'boss' tone.

"Roger that!" I jumped on my seat excitedly. Then I looked at maa who still looked tensed by the idea of me working. Pa just nodded at her, tightening his arms around her and she sighed nodding back. And I swooned at their chemistry, resting my head on my hand. I knew by the look on my parents' faces I looked like an idiot with a stupid dreamy look on my face.

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