5. Second Attack

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Papa and Vikram had been on edge last week. They couldn't get a hold of the shooter. I'd been too, I'm not allowed to step out alone. Not that I'm allowed to go anywhere other than the office. There are at least five of pa's men following me always. It looked good in movies right, but trust me it gets awful. How can they expect me to be okay having a half dozen buff-looking guys breathing down my neck, I desperately needed a break.

"Mish?" I phoned Vikram, he sounded strained, he'd been taking way too much stress. We were back to square one, he's being his cold, unemotional self, he's been testing the waters. It wouldn't be long before I lose my shit.

"Vikram, can you take me out for a while?" I clutched the end of my hoodie tightly, apprehensive of his reply.

"No." What did I even expect. I was trying hard to understand his part. He's tensed, for me. But he wasn't exactly helping, this side of Vikram is maddening.

"God, Vikram I'll go insane at this rate. " I tried to hold back and sound as calming as I could, keyword, trying. I didn't want to fight him, not when we were making progress, but he certainly didn't as likely agreed to the matter as I did.

"You are staying in." Came his gruff, retort reply. He didn't even once try to explain it to me, but why am I so surprised this isn't the first time exactly.

"If you don't, I'll go myself," I responded curtly, I might as well play along. He couldn't go back to his old, rude self again I wouldn't allow that, no.

"You won't." He sounded so cold, with no anger, no sentiment at all. I expected him to at least be a bit angry but here, nothing.

"Try me." But it's just his charade I hoped so, I wanted him to give me something to hold onto. I wanted him to share, to open up even if it was his anger.

"The guards won't let you out."

"It's my house, Vikram. I know it better than any of your minions."

"It's your safety, everyone is worried about."

"I can't stay locked in like a coward anymore, you choose." He sighed in agitation. Taking that as a yes. "I'll be waiting. "

Half an hour later. He called me. "I'm waiting at the gate." Finally, I rushed out and hugged him tightly.

I felt his body slowly relaxing. He hugged me back.

"Thirty minutes at most. " He said, with my head still buried in his chest, it felt like home, he felt like home.

"More than enough." I grinned like a kid, angled my neck to look at him. "This feels so good finally. Didn't you miss me at all?"

He opened the door for me to sit, I gaped at him, waiting for him to confess.

"Where to? " His one hand holding mine and the other on the wheel. Okay then.

"Anywhere would be fine. Or let's just go for a drive."

"Whatever the princess wishes." He said mockingly.

I pouted, and his lips quirked seeing me act like a kid.

"Stop, stop... stop! Glass bangles. " I pointed at a street vendor excitedly.

"I'll get them."

"No, I'll come along. " I removed my seatbelt.

"I know your size, wait here."

"I'll get a few for our mothers you don't know theirs."

"I do." God this stubborn, sexy fool.

"But, but the colors, yes the colors, you wouldn't know that." He chuckled at the excuse and opened my door and held my hand. We reached the vendor.

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