10. Eight Legged Love Bite

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I woke up feeling someone's resolved gaze on me. I smiled thinking of the very person, I turned to my side and stretched my limbs. I opened my eyes, "Good morning. Oh my, goodness! You almost gave me a heart attack."

It was a dear, keeping a weather eye on me. "Dear god, go, shoo away." but it seemed like, they didn't have Pogo or cartoon network here, which explains why it appeared so...captivated. I got up and rummaged out the little shed.

There he was, Vikram, well, that's not the news. The news is, Vikram agreed, with my 'removing the clothes' philosophy, to tackle the hot weather. The only difference, he applied it on his upper torso. And a sight to behold he was, in those black slacks, only those black slacks.

I was busy ogling at the finest of almighty's works when I heard someone silently calling me out, they whispered my name. When the mist cleared out of my brain, I noticed it was Vikram. And I noticed there was an eight-legged mini monster on his shoulder.

"Shit." I ran to him. What is with the fascination of animals, with us petty humans these days. The beast lay there leisurely as if it were its throne.  "Fascinating choice of clothing, glad we finally agree on something."

He rolled his eyes at me. "Just, calmly, with a stick, toss it away." He stood still, meeting my gaze, asking me to loosen up. I wish I could.

But the damn spider could be venomous, for all we knew, I can't take a chance. No, no, no, we can't afford that, it'd be deadly. More than it already is. Just then I felt it move on his shoulder, without wasting a moment I flipped it, away from Vikram.

"Ouch! Bloody insect." The beast didn't appreciate being detached from his throne, so it bit me. More like scratched the back of my hand, Vikram removed it from my hand. He immediately took me near the river. Damn, it was throbbing.

"Keep it in, do not, move." Damn, why does he has to be so high on his horses always? The spider didn't bite me. He came back with a herb and started rubbing it on the wound. " Just hope it wasn't poisonous."

"Oh come on, it was just a superficial bite," I observed him as he was meticulously cleaning the wound. He cleaned it, then covered it in a piece of his shirt.

He appeared to be so tense, I put my hand on his shoulder and the other one traveled from his shirt to his jaw, staying there. "I am okay, I really am. You need to calm down." I felt his body loosen a bit.

"Did I, or did I not, ask you, to use a stick? Why can't you just once, think like a mature person." He held my hand and closed his eyes.

"You look good, without a shirt on." He looked at me as if I were from Mars, but hey, I never claimed to be sane, now did I?

One of us being the buzzkill is enough. I winked at him, he chuckled. But then his hand shifted from my hand to my wrist. "Wait, where are we going? I thought we were supposed to wait." I felt the ground shake beneath me, for just one second. Oh hell, I hope it's not what I'm thinking.

He kept on moving, tugging me with him. "Wait for what,  the poison to escalate, you are feverish. It already has started reacting."

Just then I felt the ground shake, twist, and turn, way worse than before. What the hell. "Okay, ask the floor to maintain its freaking balance, man."

"Mish, keep your eyes open. Look at me," He patted my face." don't you dare faint on me. Just please, this once, listen."

"If you ask this sweetly, how would I say no, Woah! Put me down, I'm a big girl." I could barely whisper. He held me close and it felt comforting, my abdomen was completely another story, it was as if my intestines were liquefying, the cramps were getting unbearable. I felt Vikram move faster, almost running.

And it started to rain, the cherry on the top. I felt another wave of pain shoot through my abdomen. "Ahh!" I whimpered, couldn't just control it this time. That made Vikram move even faster if that was even possible.

"Just hold on for a while, Mish. You'll be fine I promise." He was looking ahead finding his way, to any sort of help we could get. He was desperate at this point, but he held me with so much care. It made my insides melt well, both literally and figuratively.

"If I'd have known this would make you so gentle and loving, I'd have tried this way long ago," I whispered in his ear. " And what makes you think I'm going anywhere, I'm stronger than that Mr. Malhotra."

"I know, I know, you are not going anywhere, I wouldn't allow that, you're stuck, Miss Roy." The pain was unbearable, but I was still smiling. You'd know if you were a fool in love.

"I wouldn't change that for the world." I was trying to control my breathing when I heard people shouting, happy youthful people, hiking? In this weather? I looked at Vikram, he heard that too. He dashed in the direction of the bangarang, I tried focusing on what they were doing. But all I saw were black spots.

Vikram was talking to them, I tried to make out what gibberish they were saying, only to fail to get a thing. He propped me on, something like a stretcher, and was about to leave. "Vikram." I held his hand.

"Hold on for me, Mish." He mumbled in my ear and left. I again tried to focus on my breathing, but it was getting worse by the second. I felt someone tend to the bite wound on my hand, like a, like a professional? But where did Vikram find a professional in this place? I felt my whole body go numb, my brain bewildered, I could no longer record anything going on around. I miserably wanted to hold on to the promise I made, but I was hopelessly failing.

I couldn't fight it anymore, so I gave in, to the ecstasy of darkness. I wished he wouldn't be mad, cause I did try to stay put, to hold on, I did. But failed, nonetheless.


So how was it? Do comment and tell me what you tell about it.
I appreciate everyone who took the pain of giving my book a chance and came so far ♡

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