16. Turned and Twisted

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I felt butterflies irrupt in my stomach. "Please send it to my office, thank you."

I changed to the flats, with a stupid smile on my face. I started making his schedule, and mine along with it.

Which wasn't difficult, cause I knew his way of doing things.

Coffee at his table, as soon as he steps in, along with the list of everything he's to do, like every damn minute of the day.

The resigning rate of his and pa's assistant, has been the highest, among all the employees in the company.

Poor tortured souls.

After completing my work I left for his office, my foot was better, at least wasn't limping anymore, but it looked bad. Worse than a pregnant woman's.

I knocked on the door.

"Come in." He glanced at my feet, I felt the skin of my ankle tingle, no kidding it did.

"It's better now, thanks for the painkillers. Your schedule." I placed it on his desk.

He checked the file. "If there would be something else, I'll call you. Stay in your office." He got back to his file, not before taking a note of my swollen foot.

"And take rest?" I raised my brows, smiling.

"Get out." It made my smile broader, he frowned.

"You don't get paid for sightseeing, out."

"Whatever you say, sir." I left the room not before, passing another smile his way, but I left before he could say anything.

I settled down, switching on my laptop, and my stupid smile vanished when I checked the list of work he had asked me to complete. I took a deep breath and tied my hair in a bun.

I started with all the letters I had to file. I edited the letters and fixed his appointments.

"Come in." A lady entered my office. "How can I help you?" 

"I'm here to give you a tour of the office." I nodded and left with her. Thankfully, she got a call and our rounds were restricted only to this floor, I was dreading all those floors, given the elevator isn't working.

My chain of thought was broken, when we heard someone shouting. There was a commotion, I frowned.

Why is Vikram shouting at the bellboy? There were quite a few people around them. He looked raged, his hand held his phone so tight I was afraid it'd crack.

"I want this damn thing moving." He pointed at the elevator, the man trembled under his glare. 

He turned and his gaze fell on me, he looked at me accusingly, his jaw ticking, so did the vein on his temple. I looked down, suddenly feeling guilty. 

He slammed the door of his office shut. But why am I feeling guilty? I didn't do anything wrong, it was he who made me run around with my damaged foot.

You could have told him about the elevator.

I shook my head. Damn conscience!

It was break time, almost all the employees were in the cafeteria. I knocked at his door. I wished the heavens would be on my side, today. 

I thought twice, what if he doesn't like it. Worse doesn't even try it.

"Come in." Kay, let's face it. Way to a man's heart goes through his stomach after all.

"Maa made this for you." I opened the lid and kept the halwa I prepared for him on his table. He didn't bother looking at it, I felt my heart crack a little. 

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