20. This Is It

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"Okay, guys enough with the sly looks!" I placed the Nutella jar on the table, making them both wince out of their Lala land. "What's is going on or should I say between the two of ya? Pihu why are you here for the last two days and Adi don't you have like guns to manufacture? "

"I'll leave if you want me to," Pihu said, faking a pout. Talk about bad influence. I squinted my eyes at them.

"Put your ass here on the couch and give me all the juicy details you two." I shouted at her and it made me chock on air cause I started coughing my lungs out. I tried breathing deeply but my chest hurt bad. I felt them panicking and then someone started patting my back gently and the other got me a cup of water. After about five minutes I was finally able to relax and the pain in my chest started to fade away. 

I exhaled loudly letting my body fall back against the couch and closed my eyes. 

"I think we should go see a doctor," Pihu said in a low voice still sounding panicked, Adi nodded and picked up the car keys. "Hey hold your horses mister I am fine! And where do you think you are going get back here and tell me did you do the dirty already." I wiggled my eyebrows at them. 

Pihu gasped while Adi just smirked at her and although I was really happy for them I just couldn't help the sudden pang I felt in my heart. I saw them sharing a look before they both hugged me.

"You deserve so much better, Mish." Adi whispered in my ear and wrapped his arms tightly around me.

"Alright enough! I'm okay I can handle myself. You don't have to always cuddle me up whenever you guys get cozy. I'm not that depressed." I gently tried to push them off me but they clung on to me until I gave up and all the three of up cuddled.

"Okay Adi look away and Pihu tell me when to stop." I started moving my fingers both of them looked at me confused when Pihu gasped and threw a pillow at me. My phone started ringing. "Shit!"

"Who is it?" Adi came to stand near me and checked the caller id. "ohh."

"Hey, dad." I tried my best happy voice.

"I'm here outside Aditya's apartment come out you are coming home with me." 

We had a long talk I told him everything, and he already was aware of it. He just listened carefully and nodded and then left the room after tucking me in. 

The next moning.

I closed my eyes I felt the ground beneath me shake again, gosh I have been feeling dizzy a lot lately. I walked past the cubicles smiling at my coworkers every once in a while. I walked to my office and sat on my chair... phew home sweet home. For a second I just took it all in, it felt nice being normal after so long.

I was taking in my schedule for the day when someone knocked at the door.

"Please come in." I smiled at pa. Sitting up straight, raising my brows when he just stood there looking at me. He walked around to the back of my chair and hugged me from behind while I was sitting his chin on my head, making me lean back on the chair.

"You look pale, I've made an appointment come on we have to see a doc. " He pulled me up and nudged me out of the door.

"You're overreacting."

"You were supposed to be tucked in your bed." His eyes were on the road and his hands on the wheel. I sighed looking at my father and chuckled.

"The things you do for your kids." I sighed leaning back on the seat, amazing how his presence makes me so relaxed.

"Don't get me started." He chuckled.

At the hospital.

I dropped on the couch next to pa, my head on the headrest of the couch. "Are we done yet?"

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