Damie ogles at the sight with all of the amazing food causing him to quickly run through the area to get some food.

After about two minutes of going through the place,he sits at a table with Sparky.

Damie had a Pizza slice with some fries and water. His desserts were different types of chocolate.

Sparky had a salad with some Pokemon food.

They two were about to eat until Damie's phone starts to ring causing him to pick it up.

On the screen he sees a lady in a white lab coat.

On the screen he sees a lady in a white lab coat

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Damie waves to her.

Bellis:Bonjour,Damie! It's me,Professor Bellis! How's your trip going?

Damie makes an 'Okay' gesture.

Bellis:Great. I was just calling to check on you boys,I know you two are very excited for the journey ahead. You'll meet all sorts of amazing people and Pokemon,though I still wished I could have joined you.

Damie hums 'Me too' to her.

Bellis:But worry not,young trainer. I will gladly give you any advice you may need along with support whenever you feel down,sound good?

Damie nods.

Bellis:Fantastico! Now if you'll excuse me,I've got research to do on the bonds of Pokemon. A scientists job is never done,y'know.

Damie laughs at her enthuisam.

Bellis:Be good,Damie. Ciao.

She hangs up and the two start to eat their food. 

Once they were finished the two heard an intercom message from the captain.

Captain:Hello,ladies and gentlemen. This is your captain speaking,we are now approaching the Hoenn region,I repeat,we are now approaching the Hoenn region.

Sparky jumps with joy and pulls on Damie's pants leg.

The boy runs with his yellow mouse outside and goes to the main deck to see a large mass of land in front of them.

Damie's eyes were gleaming with excitement as he was about to start his grand journey with Sparky.

The ship docks on the port and Damie with Sparky on his shoulder traverse through the crowds of people then goes to grab a map of the region.

As he looked through it he saw a small town located on it,which was not far from his location.

Damie shows this to Sparky who gets super charged and points to the town,telling him to go there right away...So they did.

After a few minutes of walking,they reach a sign.

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