Jeongin doesn't say anything to her instead he grabs her face pulling her in for a kiss and once again all her problems went away and she's back in the warm sun. An overwhelming amount of emotions come from the both of them the passion between the two growing like a wildfire.

Jeongin rests his forehead on hers pulling back from the kiss both of them breathing heavily. "I don't want you to be with anyone else but me okay?" He asks.

Y/n nods her head giving him a smile. She sits up now crossing her arms looking pissed. "Oh what.." he asks cocking his head to the side.

"If you ever pull another stunt like that again I swear to god I will skin you from head to toe do you understand? I was so worried about you I couldn't sleep or eat nothing don't do that again." She scolds him. He sits up getting closer to her face turning now she's lying on the bed and Jeongin hovers over her looking in her eyes.

"What can I do to make it up to you?" He asks cloth a cheeky smile his dimples piercing through. "I'm supposed to be angry with you but your making it hard." She tells him with a straight face until he starts laying kisses in her neck sending a tickling feeling down her skin making her laugh.

Y/n pulls him in by his neck causing his body to fall on top of hers but she doesn't mind instead laughing squeezing him tight.

"Wait.." he says looking her up and down. "Are you wearing my shirt?" He asks morning biting his bottom lip.

Y/n pushes his face away. "No no I like it.." he smirks. "Where it where all my cloths that way everyone knows your mine." He tells her smiling.

"That was the cheesiest shit I've ever heard." She tells him laughing. "But I don't want anyone to know just yet." She tells him. "I understand...we need to work out whatever this is before we say anything." He says to her. "Okay...but I am going to tell the girls." She tells him smiling cheekily. He doesn't put any effort in arguing with her instead laying next to her.

"Have you really not been able to sleep?" He asks now serious. Y/n nods her head yes. "I kept using the dream I had that one night but this time I woke up and you weren't there." She tells him. Jeongins facial expression turns into a soft one.

"Well I'm here now." He tells her hugging her. "And I'm sorry." He says.

2 hours later

Y/n POV:

I walk downstairs after laying with Jeongin for a couple hours seeing where everyone is but aside from maids and guards no one is here...I go down to the garage opening it to see all the cars gone aside from Jeongin.

"Do you know where everyone went?" I ask one of the guards. "They said they were going to the club to check things out." One of the guards say. "My brothers?" I ask the guard nods his head "but that's like...three hours away. Why wouldn't they tell me?" I ask myself walking up the stairs.

I go back to Jeongins and I's room opening the door to him laying in the bed still. I got over laying across the bed turning on my phone to see Chan's text.


Chan: everyone is going to the club to check on business on the other side of town Jin said that they were all out of town so it's safe so please don't wory💕

Y/n: okay have a safe trip back and text me.

I put my phone down back on the bed leaning my head on my hand looking at Jeongin who is reading a book.

"Yes?" He asks not looking at me.

"Everyone will be gone they are at the club Jin said everyone is going out of town so it was safe so that means a three hour trip there and back but they left two hours ago so that leaves us...about four hours." I tell him he looks at me raising an eyebrow.

The forbidden  (Straykids mafia)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora