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*** Sexual and Violent Story ***

KinnPorsch Story by Daemi


--- PORSCHE ---

"Good morninnnngggg!!!!", Tankhun screeched... His voice sounded like an invitation for a split headache. I just wanted to throw a weight plate at him.

"Good morning, K.Tankhun. Did you sleep well?", Pete grinned for his Tankhun. Khun ran to us and hung on to the handrail of the treadmill. I was surprised to see him in the gym cloth. He never worked out.

"I have heard that you were in the gym to welcome the new day so I'm here to join you." Tankhun got on the treadmill and turned it on.

"That's good! It's for your good health." Pete reached his hand to set the speed on Tankhun's machine because Khun doesn't seem to know how to do it. I was presuming that he would attach himself to Pete for a while. He ought to be afraid because he lost Pete before and Pete was his favorite after all.

"What are you all doing?", Chey greeted us. It's his day off and he might have gotten used to waking up early as well.

"Chey, good morning. Do you want to exercise with us?" Pete waved to Chey.

"You are fit but you should rest. You looked tired." Chey sat down next to me.

"I want to get busy."

"Ha! You all are here. Let go to Yok's bar this evening... We will celebrate that Pete has come back. Agree?!!", Tankhun asked Pete and raised his brow at me.

"Agree. I don't want to be... in a room with four walls...", Pete said quietly.

"Can I please come with? Please~ Please~~ Please~~", Chey begged me and Tankhun with puppy eyes.

"You are still underage", Chey sulked. I felt like beating him up... when did he learned these facial expressions?

"I let you come!! Chey, I allow it. I will scream if anyone prohibit you to join our exhibition!", Tankhun taught Chey his way of getting everything by force. This fu*king guy!!!

"Would that be ok?", Chey peeked up at me. I could only roll my eyes and shook my head.

"Absolutely ok! Porsche, call to book the place with Yok. I will buy out her bar night!!! Private party! Prepare the microphone. I will sing karaoke."

"Yok came back from the next life? You sent her there to be with Pete, remember?" I laid flat on the floor and got ready to do the sit-up.

"Do we have to light the incense to call her back? Oh well~ You take care of it."

"I'm not your servant!", I wasn't serious.

KinnPorsche Story by Daemi -- RECAPWhere stories live. Discover now