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*** Sexual and Violent Story ***

KinnPorsch Story by Daemi


--- PORSCHE ---

I pulled the picture that uncle Tee put in my hand this afternoon out of my wallet...

{Earlier that afternoon}

"Hello!!... How are you doing, my dear nephews?"

"Uncle Tee...", I was speechless when I saw the figure that I haven't seen in a long time. Uncle Tee was our last relative of Chey and I. He appeared to be very slim... and somewhat looking like a homeless. He was dirty... and no longer having an aspect of a businessman that he once was. "Why did you break into my house?", that was the first question which came out of my mouth as soon as I realized that the intruder was him... Then, I lowered the bat.

"Well~ You changed the lock. I wanted a place to rest. When I couldn't open the door, I needed to break in", Tee said it nonchalantly without a remorse.

"Why did you come see us?", Chey asked and looked at him with suspicion.

"Well~ Well~~ Chey, why can't I miss you?... Speaking of which, you don't live here anymore? Did you just move out or sell it? You don't have much left here."

"What are you here to get? It has not been anything left here for a long time", I stated while stared at him. I didn't trust him.

"[Chuckle]... Oh! You both have fully moved into the First Family house. Good life you have. So, Korn probably takes good care of you. No~~... More like Kinn and Kim. Well~ You rightfully should be well care for since you have exchanged that with your body." I frowned. I was unhappy to hear his interpretation. Also, with that, he was following our news even when he was not around... He seemed to know what was going on inside the First Family organization.

"What the heck did you say?!!" Chey was charging toward Tee... I grabbed him in time.

"Why? Wasn't that the true? Your mom and dad would be so proud that both of their children know how to survive. Better yet, you got the rich ones", Tee said in a scorn way. I crunched my fist and took a deep breath to calm myself down.

"We wouldn't measure up to you. You shamelessly stole even the last piece of our inheritance to sell it off and dared to come back. Don't you even feel the feeblest contrition?", my voice started to be slightly quivered... I was livid.

"Oh! Kinn still didn't break it to you... Ha! What's with that?", Tee was taunting as it was amusing to him that he could get me mad.

"What are you saying?!!"

"I knew that you were not bright. I never thought that you would be this stupid...", Tee poked my head with his index finger. I shook out of his reach. "You should be careful... the First Family loves to mess with people's head... They paid me to give you a show last time. We lied to you that the last piece of your inheritance was sold off to them..." My brain couldn't process this information... I was irate and pulled Tee up by his collar.

KinnPorsche Story by Daemi -- RECAPWhere stories live. Discover now