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*** Sexual and Violent Story ***

KinnPorsch Story by Daemi


*** This chapter contains rape story. ***

--- PETE ---

It's another morning that Vegas has left early... It's during his exam week. Today, I was awakened before he left but I pretended to be sleeping... I didn't want to see him.

I was back to my same old routines after Vegas have gone to school... Showered, made the bed, and messed around with the padlock on my wrist... boring!!! Nob brought food up for me. The tedious food was not far from my expectation. Today I had toast, creamy mushroom soup and salad... How could I keep my muscles with this lean diet? Huh... What should I do? Even though, I was like a death row inmate, I did care about my last meals, alright!!?

After the meal, I have been going through the room once more... I was looking for anything that could be used on this padlock and chain... I didn't really come up with anything but if I had, it would have been a sweet victory!!!!

Middle of the afternoon now, I was searching underneath the bed. My arm was at the full stretch. I wasn't going to give up easily.


I jumped with full alarm!!!

"What the hell are you doing?", Vegas yelled. Fu*k!! Why was he home so early?!

"Er...", I got fidgeted... My hand was still under the bed. I quickly pulled it back... and started to... "Push-up!" My heart beats were elevated.

"Push-up?!", Vegas raised his eyebrow with bewilderment.

"Yes. I stuck in here. I need to exercise. I'm losing muscles here." I continued to press-up.

"[Ha] Good!", Vegas said and went to change out of this school uniform.

"Why did you come home so early today?" I was actually curious... I didn't care.

"I only have the early morning exam. I finished that and came back here. Is that alright?"

"Sure..." My physical and emotional free time just got cut short.

"Oh!..." Vegas came to sit next to me after he put on the cloth. I tried to ignore him and continues pressing up. "My friends are coming here to do a group report. If you make noise or are up to no good,... I will get you!!!!" Vegas sternly warned me and pressed my back down with his hand. My face almost crash landed to the floor.

"Fine!!!", I yelped back and turned to glare at him crossly. Couldn't he just tell me nicely?!!! [Ha!] Wait!! Your friends are coming... Hmm... Interesting... What would they say if they knew that Vegas kept me in here... chained and abused? They would report him to the police. You would go to jail for a very long time, Vegas!!!

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