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*** Sexual and Violent Story ***

KinnPorsch Story by Daemi


Kinn was not there when Porsche woke up the next day. Porsche was discharged that morning. Chey, Tem and Jom came to help him pack up. Porsche felt much better.

Pete had a serious conversation with Porsche when they were alone. Kidding aside, Pete asked if Porsche has slept with Kinn. Porsche was being ambiguated. As much as Pete has been teasing Porsche about Kinn, he didn't want it to get too far... past couple of days worried him a bit. Kinn had a long history of non-serious relationships. He only took lovers and wasn't serious with anyone. He didn't do the boyfriend thing. Pete didn't want Porsche to get hurt.

"It hurts a lot when you fall from a great height...", Pete said.

Porsche was instructed to see Kinn before he leaves. He had a bad habit of no-knocking and walked in on Kinn and his friend, Meth. They were smoking in Kinn's room with a window ajar. Kinn only asked for Porsche to come to see him the next day as work related ... It was just a plain conversation in front of Meth who Porsche never met.

Porsche asked Pete about Meth when they were in the car. Pete only knew that Meth was Kinn's friend that they haven't seen around for a long time. Pete only worked as a bodyguard for the First Family a couple of years himself.

Porsche was moved from his room in the crew member quarter to lower floor of the main house. He got to share the new room with Chey. He was told that his last room wasn't large enough for 2 people... Porsche didn't object because Chey had already settled in. People seemed to help taking care of Chey, including K.Korn who Porsche saw padded Chey's head with kindness on his first day back to the big house.

That same day, it is to the surprise of everyone to see Kim home... He was never home this often. Also Meth showed up with Kim at the house. Kim said that he ran into Meth so he invited Meth for dinner. Meth walked up to introduce himself to Porsche... Porsche was a bit surprised and confused. Porsche considered himself to be just another staff member.... It was strange for Meth to show that kind of interaction toward him. Meth wasn't rude to him or anything but he just didn't like Meth...His gut told him so... He didn't know why.

First night without Kinn... Porsche was playing with his phone, listening to the music and flipping around in all the positions that he could possibly think of... and he was wide awake and then he thought of Kinn's sense and touch... He ought to know now that those had an effect on his goodnight rest. He has been sleeping next to Kinn every night like a week or so... He must be accustomed to that odd arrangement, he pondered to himself. No! No!! No!!

In Porsche's head...

This was the time to un-tug the feeling of hated and mistrust I have put away!...

Oh my God!!! I could not locate them! How could those just evaporate?

The distrust turned into the beating drum of my heart whenever Kinn was nearby.

Picture memory of the incident was all there but it was no longer making me feel bad nor insulted as it had before.

Why all the bad feeling I had had were replaced with these indescribable strange emotions that nudged my heart every now and then?

How fast could a hated be wiped away? Around a week like it was for me now?

Or the hated was never really there since the get go...?

KinnPorsche Story by Daemi -- RECAPWhere stories live. Discover now