Nika shook her head and I sighed. I rubbed her belly in small circles and that seemed to relax her more until she was softly snoring. 'Yes!' I thought I was quietly holding Nika who was sleeping for a while to make sure she said asleep before getting up and leaving the room. I went down to the kitchen and put on some chicken to bake for dinner and prepped some vegetables and salad. I was having some fruit when Beyonce came in.

"Hey Big Mama."

"Hey Suga, Nika here?"

"Yep, sleeping."

"Good. I have to leave in a few minutes, I just came back to get something to eat and grab another shower, I'm so hot and sweaty from being out in the damn heat."

"What's going on?"

"My Uncle was trying to sell my Grandma's property from under my Mom so we've been running around getting paperwork and stuff from the county. I didn't take Nika with me because after the fourth stop she would have had a melt down wanting to go home."

"I understand. She was cranky on the ride home from Rob. She was hungry when she went to bed."

"Fun, she can suck the life out of me when I get back. I'll be back in a hour. Need anything?"

"Just my Peaches on the counter with her legs open dripping for me."

Beyonce bit her lip and pressed her legs together with a smile.

"Stop Suga."

Beyonce went up to the bathroom and I made her a quick sandwich. She came back down and spoke quietly.

"It took everything for me not lie down with her, my boobs are aching so bad."

"You have your hand pump?"

"I do, It'll be okay. I'll be back in less than an hour. Bye Suga."

Beyonce kissed me and I kissed her back and grabbed her fat ass. Beyonce broke our kiss and shook her head.

"Stop Suga, don't get me started."

"Later Peaches, I'm sucking on that pussy from the back."

Beyonce shook her head and I gave her one last juicy kiss before giving her the sandwich a bottle of water I pulled for her. Beyonce left and I finished up in the kitchen and went upstairs to check on Nika. Nika was lying on the bed still sleep but was suckling the hell out of the pacifier in her mouth. I rubbed her back and woke her up.

"Come on Bookie, I'll make you a snack."

"No! Milky!"

"Nniikkaa." I whine. "Mommy will be back in a little bit but you can't go hungry. How about some soup and crackers?"

Nika frowned and laid back down covered her head and with her blanket and started screaming and kicking. 'Why did I wake her up?' I thought.

I left the room and went downstairs and had a glass of wine. I was almost done when Nika came downstairs. She was sniffling and held her arms out for me. I walked us to the couch and pulled her into my lap. I rubbed her back as she calmed down into my breasts.

"Shhhh!! Just relax Bookie and think of something you want to eat and I will make it."

Nika shook her head and I took the pacifier that was clipped on her shirt and popped it into her mouth easing her and putting her back to sleep. I nodded off and when I woke up Peaches was walking in the door. She smiled at me and took off her shoes. She went up to the master bedroom and I carried Nika up to the master and put her on the bed. I could hear Peaches in the shower and couldn't resist. I stripped and walked in to see her letting the water run over her body. I stepped in the shower and she smiled weakly.

"I'm so tired." She said with a yawn.

"I bet, let me put you to sleep Big Mama."

I pull Peaches into a hug and kiss her while cupping her pussy. I rubbed it, stroked, and fingered it until my hand was a glazed over mess and she was hanging on to me. Licking my fingers clean, I watched her clean up and get out. She dried off and put on her robe leaving the bathroom with her breasts dripping milk.

I cleaned up and dried off and oiled up. I walked into the bedroom and saw Nika awake, latched to Peaches who was half sleep. I rubbed Peaches down with the oil before putting on a red silk tank top that just barely covered my ass and went downstairs.

I was checking the food when Rob came in. She looked annoyed and I quickly poured her a shot. She walked over and took it as I turned back to wash my hands. Rob's hand grazed my ass and she slapped it before rubbing it. Rob let it go and left to shower before dinner and I was horny as hell. I went up to join Rob but heard some quiet sniffles from Nika's room. I carefully opened the door and saw her sitting on the floor with her head on her knees, crying. I walked over and sat next to her startling her. I quickly wrapped my arms around her and held her tighter.

"Hey, what's the matter Bookie?"

Nika shook her head and I kissed her cheek and rubbed her back trying to relax her but she kept crying. Soon Rob and Bey were with me sitting on the floor with Nika trying to figure out what was wrong with her. Eventually she stopped crying and asked if she could be alone. I nodded and stood up leaving with Beyonce who went to get on a shirt and shorts.

"Peaches, what happened?"

"I don't know, she was sleep, I heard her phone go off and then she just got up and left the room. When Rob rushed out the room I woke up and went to see what happened."

I nod and change out of my silk slip and put on a tank top and shorts that barely covered my ass. Peaches and I went downstairs to see Rob getting some water. I quickly put dinner out and we sat. Thankfully Nika came down and with her blanket wrapped around her and her hair up in a bun. She sat in her chair and we started to eat. Beyonce started to talk like normal about her day and I saw Rob rub Nika's knee under the table as dinner progressed and soon we all finished with exception of Nika who didn't eat anything.

Nika have some ice cream but quickly excused herself. Beyonce ran behind her and I spoke quietly.

"What's going on?"

"Her cousin died. Aunt sent her an email; funeral is tomorrow. Her Dad didn't want her to know so she wouldn't come. Nicki did say she wanted to go, sit in the back, just for the service. I have to call my boss and put in an emergency day so I can go with her."

"I want to go too. I'll call my Boss."

"Thank you, I'll help you clean up."

Rob and I cleaned up and put away dinner and locked up before going upstairs. Upstairs, Nika was in our bed wrapped up tight with Peaches quietly talking to her. Rob and I went to brush our teeth and joined them in bed. I kissed Nika and told her that I was there to talk whenever she wanted. Rob asked Peaches if she gave Nika her medication and she said 'Yes'. Soon we all snuggled up and joined Nika in sleeping deeply.


excuse all errors!


slow updates over the weekend, on vacation.


4 in the Bed (Beyonce,Nicki,Rihanna, and Megan) DDLG / MDLGWhere stories live. Discover now