"Hi." She whispers, trailing her hands up my arm before holding my face. Her smile never faltering.

"I missed you, my Leo." She says, leaning forward, brushing her lips across mine before noving away slightly.

  I use my hand, pressing her lips against mine as my other hand travels all over her body. Feeling her soft skin.

I groan, feeling something touch my face repeatedly. I'm so tired of getting woken up when I finally get some sleep.

"Good morning." She whispers before kissing me again.

I open my eyes seeing Oaklee lean in to kiss my face again. I smile, closing my eyes  before throwing my arm over her lap, grabbing her knee.

  Wait? Oaklee? Morning?

My eyes shoot open and I sit up, grabbing her and pulling her flush against me. I rub my hands on every part of her body, hoping this is real.

  I push her away, grabbing her face in my hand, scanning her face for bruises and cuts before untucking her shirt, trying to do the same.

  "Whoa, buddy. What you trying to do?" She laughs, pushing down her shirt.

  "Are you hurt?" I ask.

  She shakes her head before I tug her back to me.  I push my head into her neck, smelling her. She still smells like vanilla and coconut.

  "How? Why? Where were you?" I ask, once again, pushing her away from me, with my hands on her face.

  "I'll explain everything but you have to get dressed because we have someone to meet with." She says, pushing away hair from my face.

  I furrow my eyebrows but before I can say anything Oaklee is already off the bed and walking out of the room. I get a glimpse of her outfit as she walks away.

God she's perfect

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God she's perfect.

I stand, rushing to my bathroom and take a quick shower. Rushing to my closet, grabbing the first suit I can find. Which so happens to be my favorite. My black Armani suit with a black turtleneck underneath.

I basically run out of my room only to stop before crushing Oaklee. She looks at me, scanning my body, before she smiles.

"Look at this, my Leo is looking so handsome." She says, running her hands down the front of my suit.

I let my hands fall to her waist before trailing down to the back of her thighs, picking her up. She wraps around me completely.

"Where are we going?" I mumble into her neck.

"The kitchen, I need to see Sin before we leave." She says, running her hands through my hair, fixing it the way she likes it.

I start our walk for the kitchen. With her in my arms, where she needs to be, where she's going to stay.

I walk through the kitchen doorway before Oaklee basically jumps out of my arms, ignoring my groan of disapproval, and runs towards Nova and Sin.

She smiles at Nova before grabbing Sin out of her arm. Is this the new normal now? I make a little reminder in my head about talking to her about those photos.

She holds Sin above her head, smiling up at him while talking to him. I move across the kitchen, watching Oaklee interact with the baby while getting a bottle of water.

She's so gorgeous. I'm so going to get her pregnant. One way or another. She's in a good mood, probably happy to be home.

She looks back at me before walking over with Sin. Once she's in front of me, she puckers her lips. I roll my eyes with a smile on my lips before pecking her lips, repeatedly.

I back off and she uses her free hand to wipe off the lipstick on my lips and goes back to Nova to give back Sin.

She walks back to me, stealing my water bottle and shoving her hand in my back pocket, grabbing my keys. She shakes her head playfully as she walks away.

I hear Nova laughing as I follow Oaklee. Once we get in the car, Oaklee lays her hand on my thigh and it almost feels like she's never left.

I watch her drive skillfully to an unknown place. At least an unknown place for me. She seems so calm right now, relaxed even.

She sees me staring at her, giving me a smile before she turns into the parking deck of her building.

"What are we doing here?" I ask, moving to her.

"I told you we have people to meet with." She says, shoving the keys back into my back pocket. I feel her hand slide across my ass before falling down to the back of my thigh.

I look down at her, seeing the not-so sly smirk on her face. I smack the hand, watching as she jumps before glaring at me, scrunching her nose.

I chuckle, pulling her closer before we enter the building and doing what we do best. I can't help but stare at her, hoping this isn't a dream.

  Before I know it, we're in front of one of her meeting rooms. She hesitated to open the door before she turns towards me, wrapping her arms around my waist with her chin on my chest.

  "Don't get mad." She says, smiling sheepishly.

"Why would I get mad, baby?" I ask, almost smiling at how cute she looks right now.

She shrugs her shoulders. "If you get mad before I explain, I'm going to get mad." She says with a smile but I can tell she's being serious.

I nod my head before she lets go of me and walks in. I watch in a trance as she walks to her chair.

I quickly scan the room before my eyes set on the person sitting at the other end of the table.

Ivan Vladimir.

My eyes narrow as I walk to Oaklee. I have to get her out of here. I don't know why he's here and I don't care.

I grab Oaklee's hand and pull her from her chair. I don't get very far as she talks her hand out of my hold. I turn to her with a glare.

"What are you doing? Why is he here?" I spit out.

"What did I say about getting mad before I explain?" Any traces of a smile is long gone from her face.

"I know what you said but why is he here? I don't want you in the same room with the person who," I pause before lowering my volume to a whisper, "killed our baby." I grit out.

I know I've messed up once she winced then glares at me. Full on glare, not her playful one. The kind she gives me when I cuss and throw shit at the door before looking.

"Sit down, Leonadas. Do not cause a scene yet." She grits out before going back to her seat.

I stand in the same spot, deciding if getting yelled at is really worth it or not before sitting in my chair glaring at Ivan, who looks to be in deep thought.

I hear a throat clear. "Well that was interesting, let's move on shall we?" Royce says, cheerfully.

I look at Oaklee for the explanation.

"Ivan, here helped with our Roberts death. I gave him options and he chose right, obviously." She hints him still being alive by raising a hand to him. "As for what you said, Leonadas, he didn't know that part nor did he need too. That was private." She spits out, turning her head stiffly towards me.

"He is here to end this silly war between you two. I've gotten the papers printed, all there needs is a signature. Leo, you can read through it, Ivan has already done that." She says, sliding a small stack of paper in front of me.

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