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Watching Leonadas shut the door, I can't help but think back to my nightmare

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Watching Leonadas shut the door, I can't help but think back to my nightmare. I get them regularly but recently it's been happening more often. It has me questioning a lot of things.

Shaking my head, pushing those thoughts way down. I go to do what I do every time I have a nightmare. Some people think it's unhealthy for me to smoke so much but frankly I don't care. Non-smokers die everyday.

Grabbing a pre-rolled blunt, I walk to the balcony. Sitting on the edge, I place the joint in between my lips, lighting it. Blowing the smoke out. I stare at it, I've always been fascinated by it. Watching as it fills the air around me just to disappear as if it wasn't even there in the first place.

Taking a long drag, I think back to that day. They should've lived. They were both too young to die. After I healed and was out of the hospital. I had to meet with a lawyer. I asked about the places they got shot as nobody told me. He said "Your father got shot on the side of his neck. Near his Omohyoid muscle. Your mother was shot in her lower chest, more on the top if her ribs ."

Those words will forever be imprinted in my mind. I have tattoos in those areas. On the side of my neck says " The dead cannot cry out of justice" and on the right side of my rib cage curving with the swells of my breast says " Let the karma handle their fate". I have other tattoos all over my body but I believe those are the most important.

After everything happened, they dismissed the case saying that there was nothing. As I couldn't remember anything and there weren't any witnesses nor cameras. I got put in the foster system. I've had many places I stayed at, not all were bad. There was one a lovely couple, really. They ate dinner together, cleaned together. The woman has fertility issues and could not produce a child, which was why they fostered.

Until I was there for 7 months, they found out they were pregnant. They wanted their baby to be their main focus and sent me back. I had no hard feelings against them, it was understandable. I asked about them from time to time, mostly when I was being sent to another house. 5 months into their pregnancy she had a miscarriage. I heard that they weren't doing well, the man was never home and the women was locked in her room. After that I stopped asking, I didn't want to believe that they were falling apart.

Taking my last puff, I look up to see the sun rising. Jumping off the railing, I walk back into the room and start collecting my things. I sit on the bed until I hear something other than complete silence. I quickly call a taxi to be ready.

I walk out of the room with my purse. To be met with Ezra. I mumble a 'good morning' before asking for him to show me the door.

"Aren't you gonna stay for breakfast or at least till everyone is up so you can say your goodbyes?" He sounds almost hopeful.

"I have shit to do."

Nodding his head he shows me the door. As I thank him for not only taking me to the door but for letting me stay the night.

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