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"Tell me what you know and all this will all end

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"Tell me what you know and all this will all end." I say calmly as I stare at the guy tied up to a chair, wearing nothing but his pants.

I've drawn on him with my knife, his nails have been ripped off,  his face is beat up, yet he doesn't seem to want to talk. The guy in the chair is named Viktor Gusev, he's in the Russian mafia, he recently blew up one of our warehouses. It wasn't a real one but he doesn't need to know that.

  "Come on man," My brother, Ezra, whines behind me."Other people have things to do." Sometimes, I question why I let him do these things.

I walk over to  my table of weapons and other stuff, and I grab a blowtorch, my personal favorite.

I walk back towards him, turning the blowtorch on. Grabbing a fistful of his hair, pulling his head back. "I'll ask one more time. What do you know?" I slowly bring the blowtorch to his throat, right where is adams apple is bobbbing up and down as he swallows.

  "Okay! I'll tell you, please stop!" He screams. I take a step back, turning off the blowtorch. "He's looking for girl, nobody knows name, only brown hair and brown eyes! No one knows who she is!" His Russian accent is thick.

I turn, facing Ezra, his eyebrows are furrowed as if he's in deep thoughts. I don't understand what could be so important about some girl, especially if this girl is so important that they are risking things.

"Why?" I ask, stepping closer to him with 9mm pistol.

  "He did not tell, he said 'to find her and bring her too me'." He basically screams.

I looked back at Ezra in confusion as he steps forward with his head tilt in confusion of his own.

"What does this have to do with our warehouse going up in flames?" I ask, looking back to Viktor.

"I do not know, it was an order." He cries out.

Same damn thing, all the time. We get no information on anything because Ivan always keeps his men in the dark.

I walk to the door, calling out "Ezra he's yours."

  I quickly go upstairs to take a shower. Finally reaching my bathroom, I turn on the shower and get in. "He's looking for a girl", keeps running through my head.

Why is he looking for a girl? Why is he looking for a girl, when he doesn't even know her name? I get out of the shower and get dressed. Walking down the stairs to hear screaming and stuff crashing.

  "Stupido idiota del cazzo(You stupid fucking idiot)" I hear my sister yelling. I turn the corner and side step a lamp being thrown directly at me.

"Cosa sta succedendo? (what is going on)" I ask in a monotone voice. I realized sometime in the 7 years I've had this mafia that you have to have power and respect, and getting that isn't by yelling. If you can't get your power by talking, then you shouldn't have a mafia.

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