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Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.


Once we got home, I got swept away to the basement. And that's where I've been for the last 3 hours.

I watch as Ezra dances around the guy strung by the ceiling. Ezra keeps spinning him, singing ring-around-the-Rosie.

I sigh, getting aggravated. He's already thrown up all that's left in his system. The guy is, yet, another Russian. His name Pavel Morozov, one of our men caught him walking near the gates.

"Ezra. Fermare. Mi stai facendo girare la testa." (Stop. You're making me dizzy.) I say.

He sighs, but stops. He walks towards the table of weapons in the corner of the room. He grabs a baton and walks over. Apparently, Pavel is a piñata.

"Alrighty! Why are you here?" Ezra asks as he twirls the baton around, acting as if he's a ninja. Pavel just shakes his head.

"Wrong answer, do you mind?" Ezra grabs his shirt, ripping around the edge. He ties the rip fabric across his eyes.

"Fratello! Guide me!" (Brother) he yells, lifting the baton like it's a bat.

"A little to the left." I say. I watch as he moves and swings, hitting Pavel on his right hip.

"I hit him!" Ezra screams like a kid on Christmas before trying again. This time he misses, he frowns before taking his 'blindfold' off and points an accusing finger at Pavel.

"You moved! That's not apart of the game." He says pouting. I roll my eyes before walking to the table and grabbing a taser.

"Pavel, how about we talk, ?" I say calmly, standing in front of him.

"Why were you here? We're you trying to get in?" I ask. He shakes his head. I sigh before bringing the taser towards his stomach.

I watch as he thrashes and screams in Russian. I step back. Out of nowhere Ezra hits him, repeatedly, screaming like it's some battle cry.


  "Останавливаться! Я ничего не знаю! Я просто выполнял приказ!" (Stop! I don't know anything! I was just following orders!) He yells. Ezra stops, confused written on his face.

  "Do you know English?" I ask. He just stares at me with a pained expression.

  "Ezra! Fottuto idiota! Non sa l'inglese!"( You fucking idiot! He doesn't know English!) I say smacking the back of his head.

  "Oops." He says rubbing the spot I hit. I roll my eyes before grabbing my gun out and shooting Pavel.

  I storm out of the basement. Three hours. Three hours we were down there. I was down there. I walk to my room. I check the time, it's 9.

You wouldn't dareNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ