34. Pok

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I kept looking at Tong, hoping my planning hadn't given me away. He couldn't have expected a long trip since we were taking a taxi. A real road trip would have involved borrowing or renting a car. When we pulled up to the house more familiar to me than even my dorm room, he was curious enough to give it a careful once-over.

He didn't ask any questions.
I had to wonder if it was his absolute trust in me or complete obliviousness.

I walked him to the gate and rang the bell.
Still watching him for any reaction.

It finally happened when my mum opened the gate. Tong looked from me to her and back again. I'd been told over and over again that our resemblance was striking. So even without an introduction, Tong knew who he was looking at.

"Welcome home, son," my mum said pulling me into a hug.

It felt so good to be home again. I hugged her back tight, holding on for a little longer than was strictly necessary. I had missed her. It didn't matter that I spoke to her almost every week.

"Congratulations on your win at the competition," she said squeezing back. "I'm so proud of you. I can finally say those early morning training sessions have finally paid off."

"Thanks, mum," I said sincerely.

My parents hadn't just given me the opportunity to swim, they had been there for everything that had gone with it. I couldn't have done it without them and I was eternally grateful for that. But this wasn't about me. I was here to introduce them to Tong. Moving out of her embrace, I stood beside him.

"Mum, I'd like you to meet my friend...this is Tong. Tong, I'd like you to meet my mum."

He greeted her with a deep wai that she returned readily.

"Nice to meet you, Tong," she said with a real smile. The nerves I had been feeling escaped in a loud sigh. "Come in. Your dad is home."

I had hoped to introduce Tong to her first and make introductions to my dad later. It was the hope when she changed the date and time on me at the last minute. But I guess Tong was getting the full treatment and he wasn't happy about it.

"What the hell is going on?" He asked as we followed closely behind my mother.

"I thought it was time you met my family...and they met you."

I hoped he couldn't see through my bullshit and know I was just as nervous. I wanted my parents to like him and I wanted him to like them. That was normal, wasn't it?


"Come on. I don't want my parents to think that you have no manners."

I didn't want Tong coming up with a reason or excuse not to do this. Cutting him off was an act of self-preservation. All that fell away the minute we walked into the house. The dining table was covered in food. My parents had gone all out to prepare for this. There was no way they could have done it if they didn't want Tong there. Sighing again, I pulled tong with me.

"I'm sorry," My mother said turning to Tong. I could already tell she was about to start spilling my secrets and I braced myself for it. "It seems that Pok didn't tell you he was bringing you over. But you can relax. He told us all about you."

"He did?" I expected Tong to be a bit surprised but he didn't have to sound like it was the height of insanity.

"I told him that you're my boyfriend," I explained, not wanting to think I had made up some story about us. "That I asked you to live with me but you haven't given me an answer. I told them that I love you."


"Do not let him pressure you into anything," my mother warned Tong and I nearly facepalmed myself. She was supposed to be on my side. "I think he was hoping that bringing you here would help you understand that he's serious."

"I love him too," Tong said simply.

"But you don't want to live with him?"

"I do..."

"You do?"

That was news to me. Especially since he was still in that room of his. He didn't even like staying over unless I insisted. Had I missed something.

"I never wanted to leave. I just..." he hesitated. Turning his body towards the door in search of the nearest exit. But our eyes met. I took his hand in mine and nodded; giving him permission to speak freely. "I'm scared that you'll change your mind and..."

"...throw you out again?" I finished for him.

He nodded instead of answering. We had talked about this but Tong obviously had concerns. But he'd shown me he was stronger than I had thought. Not just because he could manage without me but because he had found his voice. It was time to make him see how important it was that he use it.

"Don't let me."


"Don't let me throw you out again," I told him and I could see both my parents nod in approval. "If I try to, feel free to knock some sense into me. Because I was wrong. I was wrong to push you away. I was wrong to punish you. I was wrong...and if you let me be wrong, we will fail. You have to stop me from doing the wrong thing."

"It wasn't without reason," Tong said softly.

There was no denying that. It was a truth we had both acknowledged—eventually.

"But we should have talked about it. And we did eventually, didn't we?"

"Yeah," he said leaning into me.


"You realize this is a form of blackmail?" Tong said with a chuckle. "I can't exactly say no with your mom and dad staring at me like that."

"Yeah...it was kind of like the plan. But you did promise to give me anything I wanted so..." I was more than willing to use every resource at my disposal.

"You're terrible," he said but there was no heat behind it and I knew he had finally come around.

"I think it says more about you. You're the one in a relationship with me."

"Oh-ho...this is my son?" My mother said pulling me out of my extreme focus on Tong. I would like to say I had forgotten they were there but I could see my dad nodding and smiling. It was starting to trouble me that he hadn't said a word. My mother didn't have the same problem. "I didn't know he was like this. Perhaps I should come and visit you more often just to make sure that he's not bullying you."

"That would be nice, mum." She could finally come and see where we lived and that I was doing okay even though I was far from home.

Seeming bored of the conversation she served a bowl of rice and handed it to Tong, "Eat. You are both too skinny."

"Yes, mum..."

"Yes, ma'am..."

"Well, it seems like everything is covered," My father piped up. I couldn't hide so I sat still and waited. "I just want you to understand that if you cause any trouble, I will also cause trouble for you."

"Dad!" I couldn't stay quiet and I automatically reached for Tong to reassure him my dad wasn't serious. At least I hoped he wasn't.

"What? Do you think I was just going to sit here and say nothing? He doesn't get to break my son's heart. If he does, I will break his legs."

"Dad...you're going to scare him away," I said in mock concern. My dad was too happy for anything he said to hold any water. But I was he was making it clear he was on my side. If that was the case, he already knew how much Tong mattered to that end. "I think he's more worried that I'll break his heart...again!"

"I taught you better, son."

"Yeah, you did," I agreed.

Maybe I needed to come home a little more often so I could be reminded of such things. But I would definitely come with Tong, I thought, taking his hand in mine. Tong tried to pull away but he lost all his power when my dad reached for my mum's hand and kissed it.

Only then did he relax and smile at me.
I guess my plan had worked.

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