15. Pok

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I never truly appreciated the term death warmed over until I experienced it first-hand. That's pretty much how I felt and everyone else around me wasn't doing much better. The word around campus was exhaustion.

Yet when I saw most people going out to have a drink, I could appreciate their plan to wipe out in style. Adding to the fray instead of fighting the downward spiral. The prospect of finding a horizontal surface and blacking out was temporarily postponed in favour of finding other people to complain to and with.

It took me a while to find the guys but they were unimaginative in their selection. The local pub provided everything we needed in addition to being close enough to our dorm rooms that no one had to worry about getting home. Even a drunken stagger would find us all sleeping in our beds tonight.

"You guys look like you're having fun," I said by way of greeting.

I hadn't been there for more than a minute when Sandee joined us. He automatically gravitated to Phai while I made myself comfortable next to Tong. My attention was on our two friends so I didn't immediately notice that Tong tried to move away but I just scooted closer until there was nowhere for him to go unless he wanted to be sitting in Galae's lap.

The latecomers, myself included, were each handed a glass. There was catching up to do and the first refreshing glass of beer went down easily. Only then did I turn my attention to everyone else. Unfortunately, the first thing that caught my eye was that Tong was barely drinking obliterating everyone else from my interest or concern.

"Aren't you drinking?" I asked him nudging his elbow.

"Of course, I am," he said raising his glass in a mock toast before taking the smallest sip I'd ever seen.

"You've been nursing the same glass since I sat down."

He looked shocked by my observation. Like he was up to no good and I had caught him. But it was just us having drinks with their friends, what could he possibly be up to? I wasn't about to ask any questions I didn't want the answers to.

"You should go," he said softly like he didn't want anybody else to hear him.

"Go where?" I asked lasciviously thinking it was a welcome change for him to be making a pass at me.

"You shouldn't be hanging out with us when you could be with your...faen."

That was different. When had he started thinking of himself as my faen? Where would I go to hang out with him when he was right here? Unless...? Maybe he didn't want to be here. That worked with my plan of spending time with him in private 100%.

Then I remembered I hadn't hung out with our friends in a long time. As a sports science major on my own, I didn't exactly have the same study schedule as the medics, the communication arts students or the science majors. Even for the courses that we shared, I still ended up on a different schedule. I didn't want to leave just yet even though being alone with Tong was tempting.

Hoping to get Tong on board, I leaned over and whispered, "I think I can get away with a few drinks just this once."

I felt the shudder go through his body and my good intentions were sorely tested. Why was I still here instead of somewhere decidedly more private where I could turn that shiver into so much more? I could always make plans with our friends later, couldn't I? Tong tried to move a little further away from me but I pulled him back and pinned him to my side.

"Stop it. You'll give people the wrong impression," he whispered.

"And what impression would that be?" I asked hoping for the same visceral reaction as before. I wanted proof of my effect on him and not just for my ego's sake.

He had to clear his throat. When that didn't work, he downed more than half his glass in one go.

"Slow down. I don't want you too drunk to drive," I said.

Intentionally getting as close to his ear as possible so he wouldn't just hear me, he'd feel my breath against his face. I was very pleased with myself when I felt that same shiver run through his body. When he looked at me like he wanted me to stop but didn't dare say it in case I actually listened to him, I had to think of a way to get us both out of there. Holding him wasn't enough.

I wasn't worried about the other guys overhearing our conversation. They were gone. There was singing; loud and unclear. The lyrics were not from the original song but they were a clear expression of the true joy of being done with exams.

"You know I don't have a car," Tong said like my conversation was only just now catching up with him.

It was so much fun teasing him so I pulled him even closer. Brushing my lips against his cheek and hearing his soft gasp. He was so sensitive to my every touch, it was making it harder for me not to demand more and more.

But I was satisfied with the expression of shock and lust and need when I whispered, "Who said anything about a car?"

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