9. Pok

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"I don't have to go to the pool now, I had practise this morning. I told you..." I reminded him.

He was looking at me with a frown and a slight tilt of his head. "You did? When?"

"That's why I left so early this morning. I left you a note...on top of your phone. After I turned off your alarm."

It probably wasn't a good idea to tell him I had turned off the alarm. Especially with his reaction in the library. If he'd wanted to be on time for class, it was my fault he hadn't been there on time.

"You did what?"

It wasn't exactly a shout but it was clear Tong was not pleased with me. I watched him go to the edge of the mattress where the milk crate was currently situated. He riffled around before coming away with the neon pink slip of paper. He had to turn it over to read what I had written. Thankfully, I could remember it by heart.

"I told coach I'd be there for the morning practise. Sorry to leave like this but you look so peaceful. Rest for today. You need it. I'll bring you lunch later. But call me if you need anything before then."

He held it up to me when he finished reading it. I hoped it had clarified things for him. Only it wasn't as useful now as it would have been if he'd seen it at the right time. What had he thought of me when he woke up and didn't find me there? He must have thought I took off once I made love to him. Some of his anger made sense now.

"I saw you in our common class but you left before I could talk to you. It was harder than I thought to track you down. Although I probably should have camped out at the library."

It wasn't a great explanation for not following through on my promise to bring him lunch. But I was even more distracted by the memory of what had happened in the library. I couldn't wait to finish what we had started.

"I have reports to write," Tong said pulling back from my stray thoughts.

"Right." Of course, he was right. He always had homework or class reading or some case study to go through. I could remember how much reading he had to do just to keep up with his classes and I had commandeered enough of it. "And on that note, I will see you later."

I walked over and dropped a quick peck on his lips before grabbing my bag. I didn't want to linger or else I would lose my resolve and he would not be getting any work done. Without him saying it, I also knew he needed space and time. This was the best I could do for now.

I made my way back to our room. I showered and changed out of my uniform more for something to do than because I needed it. There was still an hour and a half to kill so I decided to borrow a leaf from Tong and work on one of my assignments.

It felt like time had come to a standstill. I was never going to make it the full two hours. Thinking to give myself the outlet of a walk around campus, I decided to walk to the food stall Tong liked, pick up our dinner, then make my way to his room.

His building was in sight and I could see a car parked out front. I didn't give it much thought until I got closer and realized it was Tong—and he was talking to P'X. I heard him say goodnight before the car drove off. He was walking back to the building, unaware that I had seen him.

I got close enough to grab his arm. Pulling him back so he bumped into me rather hard.

"You're back already?" Tong said and I was a bit confused by how happy he sounded when he said it.

I was not going to be distracted by the joy he let slip in my presence. He had not been smiling at P'X like that. "You sound surprised."

"You said you were giving me two hours. It's only been an hour."

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