30. Tong

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"What? Wait, Pok it wasn't like that. It's not like I was keeping score. You don't have to..."

"Are you saying you'd rather not come with me?"

Huh!? "Of course not. It's just..."

Words escaped me. I couldn't decide if I was trying to talk him into it or talk him out of it. I was most definitely trying to keep my breath from escaping my body and leaving me dead. Because the thought of coming with him was the only thing on my mind right then. After denying myself release the first time, it hadn't seemed right to get myself off.

My body craved his touch.

"We just had breakfast," I said trying to forestall him. "I think maybe we should allow it to settle before we do anything strenuous."

"You know that's not how it works..."

"I know, I know...but I have to get back to my apartment, pick up the laundry and stuff. Maybe we can do something later? Like watch a movie?"

"You want to go out on a date with me?"

I hadn't intended it like that but I guess that's what it was. We had never really tried something like that. It was always around food or drinks so it didn't seem like we were going out of our way to hang out together for no other reason than it was fun. The idea was intriguing.

"Is that okay?"

"Yeah...yeah, it's great. I'll walk you to your..."

"No. You're going to relax and do nothing..." then reconsidering the order I added, "...if that's what you want to do. I'll head back to my place and I'll be here at about two. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, that's perfect."

I didn't want to debate why Pok was being so agreeable so I took the free pass. "Okay, I'll see you then."

I thought he would move but he didn't. Giving me a look that said he was waiting for me to get on with it. I was about to do just that when he bent and picked up the tray he'd set aside with our used dishes.

"I'll get these cleaned up," he said with a weak smile.

I reached for my clothes and dressed in record time. making it to the kitchen before Pok was finished with the last of the dishes. I got in close to him, ready to give him a kiss only to realize what I was doing.

It wasn't as easy to leave his room as I thought it was going to be. Pok pulled me into his arms for a hug but my body misinterpreted the embrace. Considering the conversation we'd been having a short while ago, I was already close to the edge and feeling his body against mine was the equivalent of him rubbing up against my cock.

"I have to go," I said feeling the licks of desire up and down my spine.

I extricated myself from his hold less than gracefully. I must have caught him by surprise because he didn't try to stop me when I run out of there like I was being chased. Between panting from the exertion and laughing at myself for being such a spastic coward, I could barely breathe. But I was momentarily safe from my inner yearnings and his power over me.

I made it back to my apartment in one piece—after picking up both his laundry and mine. I put mine away. Taking some time to do another cursory rearranging of my stuff and make sure everything was neat. Then I stepped into the shower—doing a good job of actually getting clean this time.

I hadn't realised that most of the morning had already passed, what with us sleeping in. The hour was upon me sooner than I expected. I called a motorbike taxi and headed over to Pok's place with his laundry, grateful that I didn't bump into anyone in the hallway. It would have been too hard to explain myself especially because I didn't know what I would say.

When I knocked, Pok opened quickly. I had to wonder if he'd been standing by the door waiting for me. But that was ridiculous. It was still easier to think about the possibility than to focus on him. He looked great in faded jeans and a pink sweatshirt over a white shirt. I had never seen him in that colour but there was something about it that tugged at a string I didn't know I had tied around my heart. I wanted to push the door closed. Make sure nobody else could see him like that.

"You look good," I said and it sounded like a whisper because I couldn't control my breathing.

"So do you," he said giving me a once over that felt less like looking and more like touching.

"I brought this."

"What's this?"

"Your laundry. I picked it up while you were at practice a few days ago."

"Oh...thanks. I didn't even notice it wasn't there."

"You've been pre-occupied," I pointed out and he smile sheepishly, "Are you ready?"


It was a simple afternoon outing. We walked around the mall looking in shop windows but not buying. The plan had been to have a late lunch then go for the late movie. But it was also a chance for us to celebrate Pok's win at the gala—just the two of us. No interruptions from well-meaning friends. Not my best idea because being the focus of Pok's attention was a drug I had no way of ever getting over.

He didn't know it but I'd called ahead to the sushi restaurant. They didn't require a reservation for lunch but I didn't want to take any chances. We were seated at a table the minute we arrived and I was glad for having taken the extra effort. This time, Pok refrained from making sexual innuendos about the food names. Then again, it probably wasn't that easy when they served a variety of rolls. Then he was too busy enjoying the sushi and sashimi to care about making fun of me.

We lingered over lunch leaving just in time for the late afternoon movie. There was so much to choose from so I let Pok pick for us. I thought he would go for action but he selected the romance. I would have protested but I wanted to watch it and I hadn't had the courage to come on my own. Not that I would have had the time before.

I bought the tickets while Pok bought the snacks. We didn't need much after our lunch but there was something special about a drink and a shared tub of popcorn. We found our seats in the dark and got comfortable, ready to enjoy the movie. Except that was the last of my sensible thoughts.

All I could think about was Pok sitting next to me. He was so close. His presence so potent, nothing else could compete.

I remember Pok's hand and mine ending up in the popcorn bucket at the same time. Instead of pulling his out, he pulled out mine and fed himself what I'd picked. Pok didn't stop there even though I protested his hold on my hand when he was done feeding himself. He licked each of my fingers making no secret of the enjoyment he was getting from fellating my digits.

I had no idea there was a direct connection between my fingers and my cock. I tried to shift away from him but the sitting didn't allow it. Trying to get comfortable made things worse. Drawing attention to my erection and the fact that my clothes didn't do a very good job of hiding his effect on me.

"Pok, please...stop..." I couldn't finish. I could barely speak when he sucked my entire pointer finger into his mouth. I was trying to be quiet but I couldn't hold back the moan of reaction when he nipped at the tip and sent a shockwave of desire through me, "...nnngghh."

He dropped my finger in favour of turning me to face him. I don't know what I expected but it was not the gentle kiss. I didn't protest although I should have. I was too busy kissing him back to care. We were making out in the middle of a theatre. That kind of thing only happened in the movies. Yet here I was making a cliché out of myself. What the hell?


"What do you need?"

"I thought you wanted to watch..."

"I can't concentrate with you sitting so close to me...in the dark. I just want to eat you, not watch other people eating each other."

I hadn't thought of the implications of the choice of film but when I dared to glance up, the main couple were entangled in an embrace that rivalled everything Pok had done to me so far. Instead of finding their expression of desire interesting, it made me want the real thing even more.

"Can we...go?" I asked him.

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