29. Pok

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Tong was unsteady on his feet so when he bent to grab my foot, he nearly took a nose dive into the wall. I tried to steady him but he pulled away and reached for my foot. I helped him pull off my socks without him doing himself an injury. My shirt followed but for some reason, he wouldn't take off his underwear.

"Are you sure about that?" I asked him stepping into the shower stall.

Tong nodded but didn't make any attempt to join me.

"Are you just going to stand there?" I asked with a chuckle at how disgruntled he looked. He stepped into the stall but he must have miscalculated the distance because he bumped into me. I had to hold him to stop him from falling backwards. "Careful."

"I need you to shower so that you can get in bed and sleep," he told me.

I'd already figured that out without him sounding like he didn't trust me to get the job done. What I needed to know is where he saw himself in those plans.

"With you?" I confirmed.

"Yes. We're going to sleep together," he answered like it was obvious.

"And you're not going to leave?"

"No, I won't."

"You promise?"

"I promise I won't leave until you wake up."

His careful consideration of the answer told me he was still worried about something. But I wasn't going to push. It was unlikely he'd remember much of this in the morning. I never wanted him to think I didn't need him around.

Whatever reason he'd given himself, he seemed to be okay with it.

But I was reminded of how drunk he was when he turned on the water and it was too cold. I had to adjust it so we didn't freeze to death. But it was still cold enough that it got the blood pumping and I felt some of my alcohol addled thinking clear up.

I reached for him but he dodged and wrapped his arms around my waist. I started to protest but he shushed me and out of curiosity, I let him have his way. It wasn't like he was a threat to anyone but himself—and I could protect him from that.

"It's okay...I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. Just let me take care of you."

To hear him say those words stole my breath away. It took a moment before I was able to inhale fully. "You've been doing a lot of that recently."

"You needed it and I'm here for you. Just relax and let me do it."

There was no world in which I could say no and when I turned my head to kiss him, he kissed me back without reservation. He couldn't have been very drunk (or he was sobering up fast) because he still resisted me when I tried to turn. Instead, I had to endure his extremely careful seduction.

He kissed my neck and shoulders then took the shower gel and poured a generous amount into his palm. With soap-slick hands, he rubbed over my body with no pretence of cleanliness. Tong made a point of tweaking my nipples. My head thrown back against his shoulder, I lost to the sensation.

When he dropped to my abs and then further down, I was already panting and begging for more. He stroked my hard on with expertise. That wasn't all.

I could feel his hips rocking against my ass; his hard cock pressed against me. I wanted him to pull his shorts off but when I reached for him, he tightened his hold on my cock until I couldn't move. I was risking injury and he wasn't giving me an out.

"I want you so much...but I want to make you come. Can you do that for me?"

I wanted that so much.

It wasn't long before I was caught in the web of pleasure Tong had woven around me. I didn't care that I was begging him and praising him in equal turns. That my muscles were protesting the fresh round of assault as I strained towards completion.

I tried to stop him. To get him to join me. He stubbornly refused. His whispered refrain of, "For you..." shaking me to my core. I was coming before I could figure out what I was holding out for. The breath-taking sensation blinding me to everything but what it felt like to have Tong take charge and leave me no choice but the joy of his ministrations.

I was barely standing upright. Tong had to take charge and dry us both off when we stepped out of the shower. I had a moment of renewed interest when he pulled off his wet boxers but my tired body couldn't mount a response.

Neither of us bothered getting dressed. I turned down the bed while he turned off the lights and then made room for him. Holding the duvet in silent invitation until he made himself comfortable beside me. I was probably freaking him out but instead of holding him, like I usually did, I placed my head on his shoulder and let myself go.

It wasn't long before I started drifting but Tong's embrace tightened just a fraction. It was just enough to pull me awake that I heard him whisper, "Congratulations. I hope this was everything you expected it to be."

I knew he was talking about swimming but as I drifted off to sleep, being there in Tong's arms was the greatest victory of all.


I was trying to be quiet. I wanted to have breakfast ready before waking Tong up. That didn't work out so well when I accidentally slammed the door shut. I walked back into the bedroom to find Tong looking bleary eyed and confused.

"You're up," I said uselessly.

His grunt was eloquent. "Was there someone at the door?"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to slam it. It was just a delivery. I bought you breakfast," I knew I sounded sheepish but I couldn't help it. Memories of the night before and how I had behaved kept intruding. I wanted him to know I was still capable of taking care of him.

"Are we going to eat together like you'd planned before?" He asked pulling the duvet tighter around himself when he realized he was naked underneath while I was dressed in a t-shirt and boxers.

"Absolutely. But first, take these," I told him, handing him some painkillers and a glass of water.

He took them without protest before turning to the tray I'd placed on the bedside table. It was a light breakfast of steamed eggs and toast. Guaranteed to be easy on his stomach after the night of drinking.

"You got this as take-out?" He asked as he took a bite of the eggs.

"No, I made these. I got you coffee from the best coffee shop I could think of. I thought you might want something better than instant."

His gratitude was effusive as he took the first sip and moaned with pleasure. It was evil of him to make me wish I could trade places with a cup of coffee.

"I hope you're going to join me."

Tong didn't realize what he was doing to me but I got my head out of the gutter and back to my own breakfast tray. "Most definitely."

"So do you have anything planned for today?" I asked remembering his very specific requirements of the night before—staying until morning.

"Not really. I was going to head back to my room and see if can get organized before things start next week."

"But you can take more time off if you want, right?"

"I guess...I figured since I wasn't going home and we had your thing, I could do something useful with my free time..."

I couldn't help being pleased that he'd made his plans around me. But it was time I returned the favour.

"That makes sense..." I said letting the silence draw out. "I was hoping we could do something before we have to get back to class."

"Oh...do you have something in mind or do you want me to come up with..."

"Leave it to me," I interrupted.


"Great. Now that we have that out of the way...I have a bone to pick with you." He looked alarmed and I didn't want that. I moved closer and made sure he could see that I wasn't truly upset. "You've been taking care of me in more ways than one and on my last count I realised..."

Taking the plates and cups and putting them aside, I took Tong's hands in mine. "I realised I owe you three orgasms."

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