35. Pok

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"Is that everything?" I asked as I carried what I hoped was the last box of Tong's things from his room.


"Great. Let's get out of here."

Tong had no idea how glad I was to see the last of that room. I couldn't wait to have him back with me and I was already thinking of ways to make his homecoming special.

"Are you moving?" A guy I recognized as his neighbour asked as we walked out of the apartment.

"Yeah," Tong answered then he blushed fiery red.

"Good. Maybe we'll get some peace and quiet around here."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Not liking his tone or the way Tong was reacting to him.

I didn't get a chance to hear what he had to say. Tong pulled me away before either of us could speak. He was so intent on rushing me out, he didn't give his neighbour a second glance. That was somehow fitting; no sentimentality to distract him.

He didn't have as much lack distracting me. "What was that?"

"It's okay...I'll explain in the car. We have to go."

I didn't actually care about his neighbour, I wanted to know what he found so embarrassing. But we had to pack the last of the boxes in the taxi and it was straining my planning capabilities. We finally had everything situated with the back seat clear for us. Underway, at last, there was nothing to do until we got to our room.

"So, what was that about?" I asked again.

"It was about...well, uhm...he complained that we were too loud when we were having...sex."

"Wait you're saying that they could hear us?"


I had never thought about it. But if we were loud enough, someone would hear us. If his neighbour had told Tong about it, why hadn't he asked me to be quiet?

He still looked like he was about to burst into flames and I wanted to comfort him but I was too busy laughing at his discomfiture. How many times? How many months had we provided auditory entertainment?

"This is why we should have gone to our room. It's far better insulated and doesn't have those paper-thin walls."

"I think this is an argument on how to be a little quieter, not to go someplace with better soundproofing."

"But I like the sounds you make," I whispered against his ear and watched him open his eyes in shock. "I really like it when you scream my name."

"Oh God...no," he protested loudly looking at the taxi driver then at me. "We're not having this discussion now. In fact, we're not having this discussion ever! Just no...please Pok."

I was trying to get Tong to calm down but every attempt to pull him into my arms was met by resistance. Playing along, I was more determined to do something embarrassing just to see how red he could get.. He pushed my hands away but I wasn't about to let him waste such an opportunity.

"Just say yes...you know you want to," I told him holding both his hands. I got close enough to run it over his thigh and watch him panic.

"Oh God...we're in a taxi. Stop it!"

God...I hoped I never have to stop. Not when it felt like our lives together were finally getting started.

He made my job easier when he moved to the car door. There was nowhere left to run unless he was planning to jump out of a moving car. No matter how much he tried to stop me, I kept touching him. Feeling him up until he was responding to me instead of resisting.

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