24. Pok

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Maybe I needed to do more talking. If I could ask Tong whatever I wanted then maybe I could tell him what to do and he would do it. No force, just firm and clear. He was already in my arms. The next part would be easy—at least I hoped so.

"Kiss me," I demanded.

Would he understand what I was asking for? That I needed proof even though a part of me felt I shouldn't. I needed to know I was awake and this wasn't just a wonderful dream I had created out of wishful thinking. In the absence of words, I would take a demonstration. How ironic.

Tong didn't do half measures. When he kissed me, he gave it his all. My mouth was plundered. He teased with his lips when they barely brushed mine. The soft friction making them tingle. He teased my upper lip and then the lower one. Teasing with the tip of his tongue until I couldn't keep up with him.

Everything he was doing was new to me. And when he held my head and sealed his mouth over mine, I could taste him back. His tongue and mine duelling in such sweet entanglement, I couldn't breathe. I didn't want to stop what he was doing to me. When he tried, I pulled him back but he stopped me with yet another brain-frying kiss.

I registered the distance he'd put between us from afar. I barely had time to assimilate it before he was kneeling before me. He didn't have any trouble pulling off my sweatpants or my underwear. (Perhaps I would make a point of only wearing them from now on.)

Then he kissed the tip of my cock.

"Tong, aaahh fuck...ungh...don't stop, aagh..."

Tong moaned loud and long and the vibrations felt like they were travelling from his throat, through my cock all the way through my body. I gasped. No other response was sufficient to express how confounded I was by his power to do such amazing things to my body.

So amazing that my orgasm hit me with no warning. I was overwhelmed. It barely registered in the grand scheme of too much and so good and Tong.

"Are you going to rest now?" He asked when I was lucid enough to understand him.

"You're evil."

It was an observation, not an accusation. One that needed reiteration when he helped me into bed.

"You love it."

I couldn't deny it. My entire body was vibrating with the after effects of my orgasm. But I couldn't shake the feeling that I was forgetting something. I was so tired. Maybe I'd overdone it at the pool today. I just needed to rest for a minute...

I woke up in the best way possible. Consciousness seeping into a pleasant dream as I first registered the warmth of Tong's arm around me, then the fact that he was already awake and he was staring at me with an expression I could only describe as love.

Tong loved me. I tried the thought on for size and it fit like a custom-made suit.

"Why did you let me fall asleep?" I asked him when I noticed the sun was up.

"I don't think I let you do anything. I just didn't stop you."

Using the literal argument on me wasn't going to get him out of trouble. I remembered what had been bothering me the night before. I pulled him close and sniffed his neck before brushing my lips against his pulse spot.

"Why didn't you make me stay up and take care of you?"

"Because sometimes you need me to take care of you." He said leaving no room for argument. "Speaking of taking care of you, you need to get up, take a shower and come eat your breakfast."

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