22. Pok

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Tong was by far the more laid back of the two of us. I liked to think our energy complemented each other. But there was nothing laid back about him when he pulled off my t-shirt and tossed it across the room. I had the joy of watching him take off his clothes. But I wasn't prepared for the sight of him wearing the boxers I'd put him in the night before.

"Do you go around wearing my underwear?" I asked, torn between making him walk around and show me how they fit or ripping them off his body.

"I wasn't going anywhere...if you haven't noticed." He said seductively.

I run my hands over his flanks enjoying the way he was looking at me. But he seemed to catch himself. Tong was very intent as he pushed me backwards and reached for my fly. I had no idea what he was trying to do but I was enjoying the feeling of his hands on me.

"Help me, damn it," he said indicating the still closed buttons of my jeans.

"Whatever you say."

I wanted to tell Tong it was much easier to take someone's clothes off if you weren't sitting on them but he was so happy when I kicked off my trousers that I didn't have the heart to tease him. He didn't have the same qualms because he looked at me askance.

"Is there any reason you still have your boxers on?"

"I was hoping you'd take them off for me," I answered, shooting from the hip.

I just wanted whatever this was to go on forever. It was one thing for him to tell me he desired me and another altogether to show me. To make it so clear that I couldn't deny it if I wanted to. I didn't want to. I wanted to bask in it. See just what he could get up to.

"Stay there and don't move," He demanded and I couldn't think of a single reason not to comply.

This was his show. I dropped my hands to my side, leaving him to do whatever he wanted. His smile was evil but that just made me happier. Until he reached for the waist band of my boxers.

He didn't pull them off like I'd expected. Tong teased me in all the right spots. His fingers were like charge electrodes, every time he touched me it sent a shock through my body. Fanning the flame of my desire until I was burning up with it. And still he continued to tease me. His hot, wet mouth adding a whole other sensation so it felt like I was being pushed and pulled between two pleasures.

"Tong...ungh..." I was trying to say something but I couldn't gather my thoughts long enough to put them into words.

"Feels good, doesn't it?"

Did he have to ask?
Did he expect me to answer?

"Is there anything in particular I can do for you?" He asked stroking me through my boxers.

"Do you want me to kiss you?" He followed the question with a kiss to my cheek only to pull away when I turned in search of more direct contact.

"Or perhaps, you want me to suck you."

What difference did it make? He was trying to kill me. It was not right that he took my challenge to heart and pulled off my underwear like he was unwrapping a present. He looked at my cock, then at me before making a great show of licking up my length all the way to the tip before taking me into his mouth. The way he sucked on the sensitive head shooting pleasure through my body in waves.

"Fuck...Tong..." There were things I wanted to say but Tong wasn't letting up. I was going to come if he didn't stop. "If you make me come like this, I'm going to leave you hanging and you can get off by yourself."

It was an empty threat. It was my great joy to give Tong as much pleasure as I could. I was going to make him scream my name if I had to push him off and tie him to the bed again. Hopefully Tong didn't know that; I had to maintain some mystery, right? I wanted him to feel good too but he was way ahead of me.

"Will you watch me jerk off?"

Just imagining the sight of him pleasuring himself was enough to push me to the edge. "Ungh...fuck..."

Tong's hold on me was unrelenting. He didn't even stop when he coated me with lube. Merely moving from one hand to the other as he continued to stroke me. I didn't want to look away but whenever the sensations were too strong, I found my eyes closed and I had to force myself to open them each time.

Then I couldn't close them. Not when I felt him position himself over me. Not when the press of his channel around me was such a shock to my senses I couldn't remember to breathe. He was moving so slowly and my body couldn't take it. I held his hips tight and thrust desperately.

Tong cried out at my sudden move and when his ass clenched around me, I cried out too.

"Sorry...fuck. You are so tight. I can't...."

I tried to apologize but the feeling of him was greater than anything else in my orbit. I had nothing left for common sense. I knew if Tong kept moving over me, this would be over before it had truly begun. It was funny, in a way. All the time I had spent holding myself back and he did this to me? Did he think I had infinite stores of control?

Perhaps it was time to find out.

When he lifted himself off me, I thrust to meet him. He would draw himself up and we slammed into each other again and again. It was easy to reach for his cock in this position. The steady stream of precum gathered at the tip providing all the lubricant I needed to tease his glans and make him cry out. Fisting him and stroking him in time to his harsh, unsteady rhythm.

I needed to be closer to him. Sitting up didn't give me as much leverage but I could kiss him. I could wrap my arms around him and hold him as he rocked us back and forth. Drawing my cock in and out of his body. The hard column of his erection trapped between us where it rubbed against my stomach.

I have no idea what happened first. It could have been my body finally giving up the hold on reality and free falling. It could have been the pulse of Tong's cock against my abs or the tightening of his ass around my cock. It didn't matter.

The ecstasy of being there with him in that moment was enough—more than enough.

How was it better than before? Was there any limit to how good it could feel to be with Tong? I was curious but I didn't want to find out. It was enough to share this. Not just the orgasms but the connection. Knowing we were finally on the same page.

I knew I was holding him too tight but I couldn't bring myself to let go. Tong didn't seem to mind. When I lay back down on the bed, he came with me. Keeping our bodies in contact even though we were both spent. I didn't want to move but there was no way Tong was comfortable in that position.

He allowed me to arrange him however I wanted. All the strength from his limbs leeching away after our share release. His breath finally slowed down and his eyes drooped shut. I straightened his legs and did a cursory job of wiping his stomach and mine with my discarded shorts (the only thing close enough that I didn't have to get up).

Then I lay down beside him and let sleep carry me away into the land of dreams.
Only this time, they couldn't compete with reality.

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