"I'm taking her home" He says loudly, like they are not right here in front of us.

I guess he wants to drive me home now that his my boyfriend, that's so sweet.

"From now on I will be driving Raven to school being she is my girlfriend after all" He says and begins to pull me away from them and towards his truck.

"But-" Kim starts to say but I turn around and see that Sarah is telling her to shut up with her eyes and they both watch as I walk away I quickly send them a wave letting them know I will be okay and I'm sure they both know I will text them when I get home.

Chase opens his truck door for me and helps me get inside before he slams the door closed making me jump a little.

Sheesh, he is going to break his door I laugh and watch as he tosses his football bag in the back of the truck before opening his door and climbing inside.

"You lied to me" He snarls as he again slams his door harder than necessary.

"W-what?" I stammer out. Where did that even come from, a few minutes ago he was all happy to see me, he even kissed me. I thought we was okay and now we are not?

I definitely don't understand relationships.

"You fucking told me you would be there at 4pm Raven and you didn't get there till minutes afterwards! What the fuck? What kind of girlfriend are you? I wanted to see you before practice but nah you did whatever the fuck you did" He shouts as he starts the truck throwing it into drive and presses his foot on the gas so hard the tires sqeal with protest.

"Chase I was only a few minutes late, Kim and Sarah told me-" I start to try to explain to him the reason I was a bit late but he really wasn't even listening.

"I don't fucking care! I should be able to trust in what you say and I can't obviously. Maybe this was a mistake" He mutters with a dark look on his face. I swallow slowly trying to find the words.

Does he mean we are a mistake?

That I'm the mistake?

"What do you mean?" I cry out feeling my eyes starting to fill up with unshed tears.

Fuck don't cry right now Raven!

"I mean that I should be fucking able to at least trust my girlfriends word right? You said you would be there before I came out and you wasn't. Obviously your friends mean more to you than I do" He snaps again slamming his hand down against the wheel.

My face starts to heat up and I'm finding it harder and harder to breathe right now.

Is he breaking up with me?

God I hope not.

Please no.


"Chase please I'm sorry Macy started a rumor and I was just finding out what it was about she said you just wanted to have sex with me" I cry out as I feel the tears falling onto my cheeks as I rush out to explain why I was late.

"I don't give a shit Raven! Your my girlfriend! I come first. Why the fuck would you even care what that bitch had to say?!" He yells again his hands turning white as he squeezes the steering wheel.

What can I say?

What do I say?

" I don't care Chase but I was just wondering..." I cut myself off not liking how he is making me feel right now.

His so angry and driving so fast that I'm actually scared he is going to wreck.

"Can you slow down?" I asked him quietly.

"No. This is my truck! You want to get out and walk home?" He snaps at me turning his cold eyes to me and I feel like my lungs won't let me suck in enough air.

"Of course not Chase, I just don't want us to wreck-" I stammer out but he isn't finished with his mood it seems.

"So now my own girlfriend doesn't trust me to drive her? This is fucking hilarious!" He cackles loudly before running a hand through his hair making his bangs fall to the side.

"I do trust you!" I mumble out. What more can I say? His not even listening to anything that I'm telling him.

He doesn't say anything for a few minutes and we are riding in silence and I feel so out of place that I'm thinking it's better maybe if I really do get out and walk home.

"You can stop the truck.. I'll walk" I stutter softly picking up my book sack and placing it over my lap.

"No baby I'm sorry. Coach was rough on us today and I guess I was taking it out on you. Forgive me?" He says his eyes and face showing how bad he feels for what he has said to me.

I don't want to fight anymore.

"I forgive you" I murmur "Do you need directions to my house?" I asked before I hug my book sack closer to my body.

I just want to go home.

"I know where you live Raven" he sighs loudly but at least he has slowed his speed down a little.

Thank god.

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