Chapter 9 - The Journey Begins! : Walk, Walk, Walk...

Start from the beginning

I stood behind Luffy as he started training them for some reason. When he was done telling them how to punch right, I knocked him in the back of the head and sighed, "Luffy, we need to be o our way. Alabasta, remember?"

"Oh, right!" He turned to the Dugongs and spoke, "Alright! Let's go to Yuba!"

"Wait... You're not bringing them with us, are you?!" Zoro gasped at the little army Luffy had with him. Nami scolded him.

"Luffy! You can't!"

"They're water creatures, they won't make it," I said calmly, trying to convince him to make them stay.

The Dugongs started hugging his legs, not wanting to leave Luffy's side. 

'But they're so cute!' I thought to myself, yet I could tell the other girls thought the same thing.

After a girl circle, talking about what we should do, we decided that it's gonna hurt, but they have to stay.

Chopper found a way to make them stay, and We headed off, while Luffy was walking backward, waving bye to the Kung Fu Dugongs. I was walking behind Vivi with Zoro to my left and Usopp to my right. 

The only reason I chose to be there was that even though his sense of direction was terrible, he was probably the second strongest in the crew, so if anything happens, I would like to be stuck near him. I could also help keep him on track with the rest of us so he doesn't get lost.

We came across the city of Aramaloo, and having to see it again was heartbreaking. I blanked out for a lot of Vivi's explanations because I couldn't take hearing the sad tale. This is where I grew up. 

The city of green. Long story short, its prized possession was the Uddo Uddo no mi because of its nature-like power, and I ate it. On a dare. From Vivi. Don't judge me.

"This is also," I was facing away, holding back tears as Vivi finished explaining with a final fact, "This is also where (Y/N) grew up..." I felt all eyes on me and I didn't want to bring the mood down. I could feel small tears moving down my face. "Take a look around, everyone. This is what Baroque Works doing to my country! Our country!"

After she said that, Vivi pulled me into a hug, and I just wiped my tears into her shoulder. No one noticed until I walked away and Vivi saw the difference in the color of where my tears had been on her cloak. She looked at me and then suggested we keep moving.

I nodded and went back to my former spot as we trudged through the destroyed city. Vivi explained how and why this city was in this state, and Dance powder came up.

"Oh! I remember that stuff! I ate some when me and (Y/N) were on an adventure! It tasted pretty bad, yuck!" I giggled at the memory and walked past him. Nami and Zoro said in the short term that he was stupid, and he retaliated by yelling about he had no way to know it wasn't edible.

Shortly after we happened upon the canal that was now empty. They all stopped and Listened to Vivi explain, but I kept walking.

This was still a recent thing, and it still hurt now I have no true place to call home. Sure, I hated almost every second I could remember, living here with my mom, and Vivi invited me into her home, but still. It was my hometown, and now that it's gone, I have nowhere to call home.

The group was behind me because I walked early. I was ahead of them about 20 yards (60 ft) and I was about to start crying. All this stuff running through my head, and remembering it all, it was stressful. 

I pushed back the urge and kept walking. I didn't want to look like a crybaby in front of the Straw Hats or Vivi and Ace.

I heard the footsteps behind me stop. So I turned and saw them all looking at Vivi. I started to go back over when they all turned and looked at me panicked, or rather, looked behind me.

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