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Finally some peace and quiet. Nora grabbed the first book she could find in the library and made herself comfortable. She gave up and decided that she couldn’t live properly without teleportation. That thing was way too useful to give up, and it wasn’t like it was a big deal. But everything else was out of the way. Like getting in trouble. Soon, she’d be officially retired and it wouldn’t matter anymore what she was doing or not.

In the end, she just didn’t want to be involved in anything. She just wanted to read in peace for the rest of her life. 

Wong and Stephen walked in, obviously in another one of their heated conversations about who should be in charge. Nora closed her book and waited for them to join her. The cloak flew in before them and she smiled. 

“They’re making your non-existent head hurt too, uh.”

“Nora !” Wong shouted as soon as they entered the room. “Strange asked for a vote. Did you know ?”

“No.” He stared at her and she rolled her eyes. “Yes.”

“Don’t tell me-”

“I’m not getting involved in that. I’m retired, remember ?” she said with a smile. “I’m just a woman with a magic ring.”

“Not yet,” Wong argued. “And we didn’t talk about the consequences of you retiring either.”

“I asked them to keep their agreement with you as a way to thank me for five years of perfect service,” Nora calmly said. “Don’t worry about it.”

She opened her book and started reading again. They were both children. Stephen was being a child. And it was none of her concern. She was retired, and she didn’t want to be involved in that discussion. Even if Stephen wanted a vote, not one person would agree to him taking his old job back. And everyone told Nora that she had to avoid stress, and that was exactly what she was doing. Actively avoiding stress by not taking part in that conversation. 

When they decided to stop arguing about whatever they were arguing about this time, they stopped and stared at her with suspicious looks. 

“You’re still hiding,” Wong said. 

“I’m not hiding,” Nora quickly replied, not looking up from her book. “I’m considering my options.”

“Which are ?” Stephen asked. 

“Keep reading and stay here, or admit that I don’t want to go home and stay here.”

Wong took a step towards her, a concerned expression on his face. “Something happened ?”

She violently closed her book and looked at him. “Look. I survived Kelly’s sobs. I survived when she was talking to her dead child. I survived the screaming and the crying. I survived the insults, the defamation and the stabbing.” She pointed at Wong and shook her head. “But I will not stay in this house one more night, listening to her having sex with my brother. This is where I officially draw the line.” She reopened her book. “Not to mention that I have to share a bed with Emi and she’s taking my spot.”

“What about the house you were renting ?” he asked. 

“What, you want me to go and tell a poor family who already lost their jobs because people came back and took them back from them that I’m now sending them to live in the streets because I don’t want to hear my brother having sex ?” she said with wide eyes. “They already called to say they wouldn’t be able to pay for rent this month, and I told them it was fine. 'Fine' !” she repeated, throwing her arms in the air. 

“Okay,” Stephen quickly said. “You’re supposed to avoid stress. So calm down, and you’ll just stay here for a few nights.”

“As long as I don’t have to hear anything,” Wong added. 

The Flames of Amarra - DR STRANGE x OC - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now