A DATE ...

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“Over there,” Nora said, pointing at the tables by her desk. 

The sorcerer looked at the tables and frowned. “Is that all you have ?”

She looked up from her screen. “Everything Wong agreed to. And you’re late. They all came before you. Just write your name and the book you’re taking in there,” she added, handing him a new piece of paper. “Thanks, and don’t kill anyone.”

After doing exactly what he was told, he walked back to the London Sanctum. Another one showed up only a few minutes later. 

“Over there,” she repeated. “Name and book here.” Another blank page. 

She was trying really hard to focus on work, but they all kept on showing up. It had been this way since Wong and Stephen agreed to let the students get into a stupid tournament. Whoever came up with that idea was an idiot, and after two days of walking around emptying the shelves, she just decided to let people do her job for her. 

It only went from bad to worse when the door from the New York Sanctum opened and Stephen walked to her desk. Before he could sit, she looked up and smiled. 

“If this is work related, you can stay,” she said. “If not, I have work to do.”

“It’s both,” he replied, sitting in front of her. “I have two questions. What’s all that, and does Thursday night work for you ?”

She pointed at the tables filled with piles and piles of books. “This is everything Wong agreed to. But I’m telling you, they’re going to burn the place down.”

“You’re the only one who can do that, and you’ve been disqualified. What about Thursday ?”

“Someone’s gonna get hurt.”

“Wong will be here to supervise. Thursday, Nora.”

She sighed. “What’s happening on Thursday ?”

“We’re going out for dinner.”

Absolutely not,” she laughed. “What happened was a mistake.”

“I disagree.”

Julie and Tobias entered the library, already in a deep conversation. Without a word, Julie took a few books from the nearest table, put the ones she already read back with the others and walked to Nora’s desk to deal with the paperwork. 

“You haven’t placed your bet yet,” Tobias said with a smile. 

Nora sighed. “I’m not betting on people hurting each other.”

Julie looked up and crossed her arms, clearly offended. “I don’t plan on hurting anyone.”

“So you think you’re gonna win this ?”

She turned to Stephen. “You think any of them can beat me ? Please.”

“She’s right,” Nora said. “Okay, 50 on Julie.”

“100 on Wong.” Tobias, Julie and Nora looked at Stephen, completely in shock. “That’s the work part I wanted to tell you about. He’s decided to fight.”

“So I get disqualified for having an unfair advantage, and Wong gets to fight ?” 

“I’ve been disqualified too, and you don’t hear me complaining.”

“Fine,” Nora said, leaving her seat. She pointed at Julie. “Stay here.”

She rolled her cart to the shelves in the back and proceeded to take out a few more books. A few seconds later, Stephen showed up and gave her a disapproving look.

The Flames of Amarra - DR STRANGE x OC - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now