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Nora had been staring at the front door for a long time. Thor wasn’t there yet. Of all the things that could’ve gone wrong, she didn’t even think about two Gods from space coming back to Earth. It wouldn’t even be their problem if these stupid Avengers didn’t break up and fight about it like teenagers. 

Stephen joined her on the steps and sat next to her. “I told them we’d be coming tomorrow instead.”

“I was tired anyway,” she lied. She looked up and sighed. “Oh, it’s that bad, uh ? You’re looking all Sorcerer Supreme. Maybe I should look like magic too ?”

“Or maybe you should look like someone who has nothing to do here,” he quickly said. “The whole plan is that no one knows about you, remember ?”

“There’s a plan about that ?”

“You look great,” he quickly replied. “But you should go.”

She looked back at him and laughed. “No way. I’m staying. And no compliment will change my mind.”

“Why ? I didn’t even mention the bruises.”

She laughed again. “You’re getting a God in here. An actual God with a big hammer and his terrorist brother. Of course I’m not leaving you alone with them.”

Stephen sighed. “I just want to talk.”

“And when people talk to you, they immediately want to kill you. I’m not leaving,” Nora stated, not moving an inch from the step. 

“He brought Loki here, I need to know why and what it’ll take for him to go.”

“You’re not picking a fight with Loki, are you ?” she asked, giving him a worried look.

“If it comes to it.”

“He’s a God, Stephen.” She pinched the bridge of her nose and let out a desperate sigh. “Please, don’t fight a God. I know you think very highly of yourself, and you’re very powerful and all, but let’s not fight a God. Or at least get some backup.”

“I just want to get him off the Earth,” Stephen argued. “And I don’t need backup.”

“Yeah,” she scoffed. “Have I ever told you what happened the last time I wanted someone off my back ?” Nora raised her hand and moved it in front of him. “That happened.”

“He’s here.”

Before she could even look at the door, Nora was upstairs. She turned around, trying to guess what was going on. She said she’d stay, and Stephen just teleported her away. If there was a fight between Loki and him, she’d probably side with Loki. 

As she was still trying to guess why it was so dark around her all of a sudden, she turned around and found herself right in front of Thor. And he was very tall. And very muscular. And he looked just as confused as she did. He raised his… umbrella.

“Who are you ?”

Nora didn’t know exactly what his deal was with the umbrella, but if Thor was trying to look menacing, that thing was ruining everything. Since Stephen was a no show, she decided to go on and ask him about Loki, who was apparently not here either. 

“Hi, I’m-” she stopped and followed Thor’s gaze above her head.

Thor Odinson.”

Stephen could have just shaken Thor’s umbrella and talked to him, but he decided to fly and show him who was in charge. She knew at that moment she was right to stay because that man clearly didn’t know how to make friends. 

The Flames of Amarra - DR STRANGE x OC - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now