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Nora closed the library for the night and sighed at the amount of work she still had to do before going to bed. Not to mention it would be the middle of the day in New York and she’d join for lunch. Because of course she wanted more food. Her brain needed energy. 

She went through the countless piles of lonely pages and took one to bring back to her desk. It had been three days, and she was still trying to figure out which pages belonged to which book. As long as it was a text, it was pretty easy to guess. But when there were only spells and runes on the page, she just had to study the current state of the page and the books that were still missing pages in them. 

Armed with a good dose of patience and her trusty stock of tape, she sat down and got to work. 

Until a cup of coffee appeared on the corner of her desk. 

She looked up and sighed. “We need to have a child.”

No, and why ?” Stephen asked. “You locked the door ?” She nodded and he leaned in to kiss her. 

For a few seconds, Nora forgot how tired and angry she was. Now that everything was settled, it was easier for her to stop overthinking about all the ways that thing with Stephen could go wrong. She wouldn’t lose her job, she wouldn’t lose her friends, and she’d probably find a way to keep Stephen as a friend if it all turned into a nightmare. 

But for now, he was doing great. Coffee when she was working late, and a few making out sessions in a library. She couldn’t have asked for anything more. 

“Since when do you want a child ?” he asked when he sat in front of her. 

“Wong clearly said ‘don’t have a child with him’,” Nora explained. “And I hate him now.” She looked back at the pages on her desk. “It’ll take me forever.”

Stephen dropped a book on top of her work and pursed his lips. “Speaking of which,” he started with a sorry smile. “I don’t think transmutation spells should be found with location ones.”

She dropped her head on top of the book. “Let’s make a child. Now. Then we’ll leave it to Wong to raise it.”

“Or I can spare you the nightmare of pregnancy and take care of the spells.”

“Or you could do that,” Nora agreed. “It won’t get me bigger boobs, though. You should’ve seen Kelly when-”

“Do you want the map of the New York subway on your body ?” She looked at him with wide eyes. “And I don’t need to remind you that we already have 26 children.”

“I hate them all.”

“You’ll hate that one even more.”

“Hm. It was a good plan to get back at Wong, though.” But Nora didn’t feel like going through all that trouble just to get back at someone she wouldn’t be angry at in a few weeks. “I suggest we disown them all.”

Stephen scoffed. “I’m glad we found an agreement on that matter, you scared me for a minute.”

“I panicked. It won’t happen again.”

For a while, Stephen kept reading the lonely pages Nora was unable to read while she was taping them back where they belonged. Needless to say, it was all going way faster. She caught him looking at her a few times but said nothing. Not only was he helping her, but she wasn’t mad at the way it made her feel. 

“Did you talk to Julie ?” Nora shook her head without looking up from the tape. “I don’t think she’ll forget.”

“You can make her.”

The Flames of Amarra - DR STRANGE x OC - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now