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There would be no trip for the next two weeks. 

Nora finally found a way to deal with the magic mafia. She decided to spend the current weekend with her family, and the next one with these people waiting for an opportunity to kill her. It all sounded perfect, until she told her parents what she was up to. She thought that they deserved to know since the ring situation was about the whole family, but then she realized that telling them that their child was about to put herself in a somewhat dangerous situation wasn’t the best way to go about it.

“I’ll go next weekend,” she said as she was pushing Emi on the little swing. 

Kelly looked at her from the bench and frowned. “Sounds dangerous.”

“I’m the one with the ring, remember ? If it doesn’t go as planned, I’ll burn them all,” she laughed. 

“No !” Emi screamed. 

Nora stopped the swing and stared at Kelly. Since when did that child understand things like ‘burning people’ ? 

“Don’t worry, she’s just trying to say your name,” Kelly said, laughing at Nora’s expression. “We talked about you last week and now she’s saying ‘No’ all the time.” She joined Nora and leaned against the wooden pole of the swing. “Where is it ?”

“Canada. Up North.”

“Aren’t Canadians supposed to be friendly ?”

“Not him. But he’s old, and that’s why I picked him. Whatever happens, I’ll be fine. What could an old man possibly do to me ?”

Emi started whining and they put her back in her stroller. As they were walking around the park, Kelly was interrupted in her safety recommendations by a man stopping his run to look at them and the stroller. She never liked it when people stared at her baby. 

“Can I help you ?” she asked with a cold voice. 

He looked up and smiled at her. “I was just thinking that you two have a really cute baby.” He glanced at Nora and smiled. “She looks like you.”

“I sure hope so,” Nora laughed. “We’re family.”

Kelly suddenly nudged at Nora’s ribs and smiled at the man. “The baby came out of me. She’s just her aunt. Her single aunt,” she quickly added. 

Nora turned to glare at Kelly. She was still processing what she just said, and she didn’t know if she had to laugh or punch her in the face.

The man seemed to be taken by surprise but kept smiling. “Just my luck, then.”

“You two should do something tonight !” Kelly happily said, ignoring Nora’s mortified look. “Nora’s going back to work tomorrow for a couple weeks, it’s now or never.”

Nora finally stepped in and tried to remain as polite as she could. She looked at the man and gave him a sorry smile. “Sorry about that. She has a hard time with the concept of boundaries.”

He laughed and pulled his phone out of his pocket. “Give me your number, I’ll text you when I’m showered and ready to go,” he said, handing the phone to Nora. 

She shook her hands, trying to avoid it, but Kelly grabbed it and quickly registered Nora’s number. Nora was utterly stunned. This was all a horrible nightmare and she was about to wake up. She had to wake up, because if it was all true, she was about to kill a member of her own family, in a public place.

“See you later, Nora !” the man said, jogging away. 

Nora, still waiting for the time she’d wake up from this nightmare, stared at Kelly. She couldn’t believe what she just did, and how inappropriate the whole thing was. 

The Flames of Amarra - DR STRANGE x OC - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now