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“Wong ! Mordo !” Strange screamed, banging on the broken wall. He turned around and helped Nora get back on her feet. “Are you alright ?”

“I’ll survive,” she said, brushing the dust off her clothes. She glanced at the spot where the door was supposed to be and sighed. “We need to go.”

“Where are we ?” he asked, following her down the hall. 

“You were in front of the New York door,” she stated. “I think it’s safe to say you’re home.” Nora looked behind her and motioned Strange to follow her. “Come. We don’t want to stay here.”

“Why ?”

“If Kaecilius wants to stop the Ancient One and let Dormammu in, he’ll have to take down all defenses from the Sanctums. He got London, his next stop will be either here or Hong Kong.” As he was about to touch a relic, Nora flicked his hand away. “Keep your hands to yourself. You’ve done enough for today.”

People were talking downstairs. Nora immediately pushed Strange behind a wall and tried to hide them both. If Kaecilius was there, they needed to hide. She needed to hide. 

Strange tried to look down but she pushed him away. “Don’t even think about going down,” she whispered. 

“You’ve seen the book. What if he-”

“Stephen, listen to me. This is not your fight.”

Her pleas were useless, and he jumped down the stairs as soon as he heard someone screaming. Nora ran after him and stopped in the middle of the stairs when her eyes Kaecilius’. Whatever he did, this kind of magic was too strong for him.

“Nora,” he said, looking up to her. “I’m surprised to see you here.”

“You just blasted us here, Kaecilius,” she quickly replied, hoping that he’d let her and Strange go unharmed. 

“This is not what I call ‘stepping aside’.”

“This is not what I call ‘not hurting anyone’.”

He smiled at her before turning his attention to Strange. “I didn’t get your name, Mister…”

“Doctor,” Strange said. 

“Mister Doctor ?”

Nora rolled her eyes and stepped down the stairs. “It’s Strange. Now let us go.”

“Nora, don’t be impolite. Who are we to judge ?”

She sighed and carefully kept walking down. If everything went as planned, she’d get out, leave Strange somewhere in New York and maybe ask him for a portal home. 

But the Sanctum’s master moved to get up again, only to be met by Kaecilius’ blade stabbing him.

Before Nora could do anything, Strange was already conjuring a weapon of his own. She tried to push him away, but Kaecilius’ friends were already running towards them. She froze for a second and considered escaping the fight, leaving them to deal with it. But when she walked down the stairs, she couldn’t ignore the body at her feet. 

And if Nora had to judge by his most recent performances, Strange would surely be the next body. For a fight he had no business in. 

She sighed and turned around. She ran after the zealot closest from her and jumped on him as soon as she could. The second her hands touched him, she set them on fire, burning the man in the process. As he was screaming in pain, she kicked him between the legs and ran after the others. 

No one had to die. She just needed to force them all to let them go. It wasn’t technically picking a side. 

Nora quickly made her way back upstairs. Out of breath, it took her a minute to find Strange, fighting the remaining zealots. Before she could call for him, Kaecilius appeared behind her. He looked at her hands, still in flames, and turned his hands around. Suddenly, the walls started to move, and Nora fell down the hall. Trying to hold onto something, she grabbed a zealot’s ankle. 

The Flames of Amarra - DR STRANGE x OC - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now