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Dear Goblins,

If y'all have gotten this far with the story, you probably liked it so much that you wish there was more OR you hated it so much that you just wanted to see exactly how bad it would get later in the story. But I am going to assume the former for self-promotion reasons.

If you don't know, this is the first book of my new series. I have finished Book Two and it turned out really good. I suggest you check it out. I am also working on Book Three so I very much suggest reading the second one if you want more content on this series. If you haven't read my bio, there is a small Q&A to answer any questions y'all may have regarding the future of this series. One of the questions is if I'll publish at least 5 books in the series.

My answer: I plan to get it to at least 8 or 10 because I am actually kind of dedicated to this series now and it's fun to see what kind of ideas my brain comes up with.

I promised myself that I would not update on this story anymore, but I got to advertise my sh*t to the people. I'm hoping this book will reach a thousand views by my birthday in August.

But that's it for now. As of now, go find your power, courage, and wisdom, raise your blades skyward, and rock on!

Ya boi,

P.S., James is my middle name and also my preferred name on the internet for privacy reasons regarding my first name.

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