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Link and his team had made it to Rist Peninsula by noon. They would meet with the next person for Link's second test in the Trial of Power. This individual is familiar with the Hero of the Past.

Valoria is beginning to sense new power coming from Cora Lake.

Zelda and Hylia had stayed behind at the start of the peninsula. It was only Link and Ganondorf that were walking towards the hero's next test.

After a few minutes, they reached the center. A figured appeared in front of them. They were dressed in a red robe that had golden patterns all around the bottom of it. They also had a red cap with golden lining. The only skin Link could see was a light purple.

"Hello, hero. You've arrived at last." the figure said. They sounded masculine.

"Yes. Who are you?" Link asked.

"Search through your memories. Specifically the ones as the Hero of the Past." they suggested.

"Aghanim?" Link guessed.

"Correct. I am Aghanim, the individual who took over Hyrule during the Era of the Past. Of course, I aim to assist you in this case instead of attempting to kill you and take Zelda for my own purposes. Shall we start?" Aghanim explained.

"Yes. I haven't too much time before Valoria gains enough power to do his bidding. I would prefer I get the Triforce of Power sooner than never." Link answered calmly. He took out the Zonai Crystal, which floated above his hand as usual.

"Alright. I will explain to you how to create magical orbs that you can control. You can affect whether they heal or harm something." Aghanim explained to Link.

Link readed the relic. The Zonai Crystal shone a vibrant green and the golden rings started to spin.

Aghanim went through all of the basics of the healing and harming orbs. Form an orb out of magic and depending on which intention you want to use it in, it will be either pink or dark red.

"Now, controlling it," Aghanim announced. "You pull one fist to your hips like this, then you shove your hand forward."

Link copied his movements and the orb smashed into the magic clone of Aghanim.

"If you want to control where it goes after you send it forward. You just hold your hand it to it." Aghanim explained. A red orb formed at his hand and he launched it at the clone. But before the orb hit, he held out his hand and the orb stopped.

It followed Aghanim's movements precisely. Aghanim smashed it into the clone.

After a while of practicing, Link mastered Aghanim's ability.

"I see ruins around this place. Why don't you use the timeshift abilities on your relic to revert the ruins back in time?" Aghanim suggested curiously.

Link raised the crystal above both hands and focused his mind onto it. A burst of energy shot outward and the ruins turned into a few buildings. It seemed like a village, composed of around 8-10 houses.

There was also a small garrison with a few other stone buildings around it.

"Good. Now once you find the time, bring people here. Rist Village wouldn't be a village without people. And I've always wanted to rule my own village." Aghanim said wistfully and hopefully.

"Wait, you want to become the mayor of this village?" Link asked.

"Yeah. It's a place for people to live if the prefer a peaceful, oceanic environment." Aghanim thought for a moment. "Think of this as a quest from me. Just think about it at least, please?"

Link considered the task for a moment. It would pay Aghanim back for his assistance and his promise to help the hero in his battle. Link looked up at the wizard, who wore a hopeful and sort of anticipating face.

"Of course I'll help you. On my through Hyrule, I will highly recommend this village to them." Link promised.

"Thanks a lot, Link. You won't regret it. Don't be a stranger. Be sure to visit every now and then!" Aghanim called as Link and Ganondorf started to walk away.

Link waved back to Aghanim and looked to Ganondorf. "Where to next?" the hero asked.

"A decent ways south to Cape Cales. We can all fast travel to there if we must. Hateno Tower is closest." Ganondorf answered informatively.

"Cape Cales? I can get us to Hateno Tower and use the Zonai Crystal to teleport us there. Or I could use the Shadow Medallion to shadow jump." Link suggested thoughtfully.

"The Zonai Crystal method sounds easier." the man decided.

The hero and the Demon King disappeared into a cloud of blue sparkles. When they rematerialized, they found themselves atop Hateno Tower. They could see Hateno Village to the east near the Necluda Sea.

And to the southeast, they found their destination. Cape Cales was a very tall cliff that stood over the surrounding landscape.

Link took out the Zonai Crystal and surrounded himself and Ganondorf in green energy. They vaporized along with the energy.

After a moment, they found themselves on the cape. In the distance, they could see a figure standing on the edge of the cliff.

He had pale skin and a pale grey pigment for hair. He was dressed in purple attire with a red gemstone on his belt. His eyes glared red as Link approached. He seemed stern and overly uptight.

Ganondorf stopped and turned to Link. "One thing you should know. He seems very stern but he is quite calm. You don't have to worry about him. Look through your memories as the Hero of Light." he explained to Link.

Link looked back into his memories.


Link stepped forward towards the person with the Four Sword in his hand.

"You have no right here, Vaati." the hero said.

"I have every right here, you pathetic excuse of a hero." Vaati retorted smoothly. "Unless... you think you can prove me wrong?"

Link gripped his sword even tighter. He split off into four Links. They all held the Four Sword and they marched towards Vaati.

"So that's how you are going to play." Vaati muttered darkly.


"Vaati?" Link guessed.

Ganondorf nodded. "Vaati is like me. He also reincarnates." he told Link.

They found themselves in front of Vaati, who looked down at them with an amused looked. "Telling Link about me before he meets me, are we?" Vaati asked.

"Right, of course." Ganondorf stepped back.

Vaati stepped towards Link. "I am Vaati. You should remember me so I will save my introductions for later." he said.

"The Hyrule Warrior. I am the next hero to save Hyrule." Link said to Vaati.

"I gathered that from your arrival with Ganondorf. Shall we start?" Vaati suggested.

Link nodded. "Let us begin."

A/N: This chapter was kind of short but it's fine. I'm pretty brain dead after setting drill and marching for an hour in 103°F (40°C, I think) in marching band. I don't feel to great since we have been in an a heat advisory since way too long ago.

I swore I was gonna have a heat stroke and I think I was on the verge of it to be honest.

Anyways, I think I might add a few little teasers and starting bits for the second book every so often. There will be one in Chapter 24 because I really like the Link being a Gerudo Town resident idea.

See y'all in Chapter 24.

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