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Link woke up with more motivation than usual. He felt ready to get to the Sage of Spirit in Gerudo Desert. And by this, he got up and started to cook some breakfast.

He got his tunic, hood, and trousers on and headed out with a small loaf of wheat bread. Most people bowed respectively as Link passed.

One child even said, "Happy birthday, hero!" which reminded Link that his 20th birthday was only 4 days away.

He finally reached the gates. Then, a man came running up. His gear suggested that he was a soldier that was stationed out near the Breach of Demise.

"The Aygi Clan... they attacked... southwest. Link... go help my... people." the soldier panted with exhaustion. He collapsed in front of the guards protecting the west gate to Castle Town.

Link ran until he reached the Breach of Demise. There, a huge battle was displayed out below him. Several races were seen down there. Gerudo, Rito, Hylian, and Sheikah soldiers who were stationed all around Hyrule Ridge and Field had ran out this way to aid the soldiers under attack. The Aygi Clan were winning, Link could tell.

Link used the Shadow Medallion to teleport quickly into the midst of battle.

The Zonai Crystal started to pulse in his bag. Link took it out and immediately, the Hero of the Skies' voice rang inside his head.

"Summon all of us. You must summon everyone."

Then, a field of green magic shot out from the crystal and blasted across the battlefield. Everyone was tossed backward and were being buffeted by the sheer force.

Then, one by one, every hero, companion, sage, and princess appeared on the battlefield.

"Hello, Hyrule Warrior. Let's talk later. Right now, we should finish this battle." one of the heroes declared.

They all charges forward. Swords, bows, scimitars, shields, helmets, and so on drawn for battle. A blue figure darted across the field. It was mostly blue with a similar shade of blue for a cape and interlaced navy-and-teal tights. It had a blue gem in the center of its chest. It charged alongside the Hero of the Skies.

Another figure, this one being small and dark, with fiery orange hair, flew along side one of the heroes.

Then, there was another hero. This one's hat moved and spoke on its own. His hat was sentient. Only one hero was said to have a sentient hat. This was the Hero of the Minish.

A fairy flew alongside a hero who had a vivid, green outfit. It emitted a blue glow.

The Heroes of Winds and Hyrule went in with each other, warding off clan members together.

The princesses all stuck together as they charged forward. One princess held a long, thin sword that she swung with confidence. Her hair boasted two pigtails that flowed over her shoulders with the rest of her hair swinging wildly as she spun around in battle.

Link found Skyloftian Zelda. She used a harp which attacked with a strange magic as she played it.

The Six Sages were found easily with the blasts of gold, purple, blue, red, green, and orange light.

Alas, Link himself was using the Zonai Crystal to create magical chain and balls, beams, and so forth to slay Aygi after Aygi Clan soldier.

One soldier jumped up behind Link, attempting to surprise attack him. However, the Fierce Deity hit him down with a mighty, blue greatsword.

They both nodded and worked together to turn the tides of battle. Link's magic was proving to be the most powerful weapon on the field right now.

The heroes, princesses, and other spirits fought with grim determination.


The Aygi Clan retreated. Every hero and companion came to Link while the princesses went off to help the rest of the army.

Then, a Gerudo lady pushed forward. She handed Link a small, orange medal. "I'm Nabooru, the Sage of Spirit. You proved your worth on this battlefield. There is no more for us Sages to teach you. Meet me by the Breach of Demise to hear of the story of the Aygi." she said. She walked off towards the valley.

One of the heroes stepped forward. "I don't believe we have met. I am the Hero of the Minish. My hat is named Enzo." the hero introduced himself.

"Hello." Enzo greeted.

The blue figure came forward. "My name is Fi. I am the personal attendant to the Hero of the Skies. I was created by the Goddess Hylia to help every hero since time immemorial."

Finally, the little impish creature flew up to Link. She smiled playfully. "I'm Midna. The Twilight Princess. I accompanied the Hero of Twilight in his time."

Then, the heroes introduced their titles.

The Hero of Time was last. "I'm the Hero of Time. You are the one I have sent the Six Sages for to test you on your skill. I am impressed. Meet me at Crenel Peak by tomorrow." he disppeared in blue sparkles, as did everyone else that was summoned by the crystal.

The Sacred Realm; Ganon's Castle:

Ganondorf paced around his throne room. The Hero of Time would soon send him down to help the Hyrule Warrior.

It was odd for the Gerudo King. He spent eons trying to take Hyrule for his own reign and now he was allying with the hero who defeated his past forms time and time again.

He sat down on his bed. What a strange and ironic circumstance this was. He looked at the sword that sat on his nightstand. It was the Sword of the Six Sages he had obtained during his attempt to incase Hyrule Castle in twilight during the Era of Twilight.

It wouldn't be long before he could feel Hyrule beneath his feet again.

A knock sounded on his door. It opened and the Hero of Time came in. "Hello, Ganondorf. It is time for you to join me in Hyrule. The Hyrule Warrior is ready for his second set of trials. You, Vaati, Ghirahim, Cole, and Aghanim will venture out to different locations across Hyrule to test the hero." the hero informed the king.

Ganondorf considered these news for a moment. "I see. And what of the last set of trials?" he asked.

"Me and the other heroes will take care of that. You were a challenge to defeat in my time. I thought you could be the next set of trials for Link. Is that alright with you?" the hero asked cautiously.

"Yeah. I know what I can teach him with that little relic of his." Ganondorf mused.

The Hero of Time nodded. The boy left the room without any further inquiry or statement. Ganondorf buried his face into his pillows. He wondered what the Hero of Time would say to the Demon King finding the Hyrule Warrior kind of... handsome.

He's only seen the Hyrule Warrior from little glimpses of Hyrule at the meetings. And let's just say that the Demon King gets a few bad ideas when he sees him.

When you get to Hyrule, you can try to go after the Hyrule Warrior because you are going to have an entire day with him. The king smiled genuinely.

Maybe Hyrule wouldn't be so bad after all.

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